13 tips to create good social media content
Know the keys to create content on social networks and not die trying so here are 13 tips to create good social media content
Since the way of consuming content changed, consumers have changed and their expectations of content. Today the consumer looks for much more than content, because there is already a saturation of it, looking for quality and truthfulness. Sources that are reliable or tips that have already been tested. Platforms like Tik Tok have also shown that the clearer and shorter the content, the better. What becomes easier to consume, has a greater possibility of user reactions.
Social media content is the bread and butter of many creatives, brands, companies and content creators. Where planning is a key piece to achieve objectives, but also to have a production, editing and monitoring team of the networks. Based on the book by Manuel Moreno Molina , one of the most influential journalists on the Internet in Spain , these are 13 tips to create good content on social networks.
13 tips for creating content on social media
Moreno explains that: “The community manager has the obligation to find relevant content to share with the users of their social channels, as well as to create their own content that provides that differential value. But, in addition, it must encourage community members to create quality content, thanking them for their contributions ” , because according to the journalist, getting users themselves to feed the brand’s profile with interesting content is one of the greatest successes that can be achieved. achieve any social media manager. Behind that there must be a lot of dedication:
1. Key to creating content: Content planning
Content planning as a universal pillar of all community managers, as it will be the key to planning. For this reason, the famous content calendars are created , which help brands adapt their strategic content to events of public interest. And in turn create proposals with objectives in mind. Molina also states that a content media plan (CMP) must be created, or content plan, whose structure will largely resemble that of the social media plan. And it defines 3 most important points that should be developed in a company’s 2.0 content plan:
✔ Establish clear objectives with each content plan: Define what you want to achieve, based on what concept you are going to elaborate and make sure they are well aligned with the brand, in design, language and structure.
✔ Determine the audience of the content: Good segmentation is essential for each campaign, but many think that it begins when it begins with the creation of the campaign in Ads. And the reality is, before creating the content, each piece must be created according to your specific audience.
✔ Definition of the theme and the messages to be communicated: For this, follow the structure of the key words to which they are aimed. Knowing that they must be present in all communications.
✔ Have a manual or style guide for communications, in this way they can define the tone, focus and language according to the brand personality. Guide that all those who have access to the publication of the content may have and in this way uniformity will be the protagonist of each one.
✔Determine an action plan: Where you can detail the frequency of publication, the objectives with each publication, the type of content, the publication channels and the name of the person responsible.
✔ Determine the content taking into account the platform, always take into account what platform you are on and what is the format that makes it so popular. If you adapt the content according to the format, there is a greater probability of acceptance. However, Molina explains that 20% of the messages we send to the two main networks will produce 80% of the interactions, while the remaining 80%, directed to the rest of the platforms, will generate 20%
This referring to the fact that if content is replicated for all networks, the intensity of interaction may decrease. Therefore, according to this proportion, it must be taken into account to dedicate time to the platforms that will generate the most return, without neglecting the others where you want to position yourself by strategy.
✔ Carry out control and monitoring of the content , so that statistics will become your best friend. Understanding the statistics of each social network and knowing the true indicators that matter is essential to measure reliable results. More than followers, see the quality of interactions with your content.
✔ Have a spending budget and determine the times for each publication.
✔Have a guide of frequent messages: The best thing to do for the orderly management of an account’s social networks is to have a message template, which can be the answers to situations that users might go through. A kind of Q&A.
2. Key to creating content: Adapt the messages for each social network
Moreno recommends using 100 characters on Facebook and 80 characters on Twitter, to create content with more interactions, this because in his experience it is better to use short and clear text. In other social networks such as Instagram, we can add that the audiovisual content must speak for itself, but that when complementing the copy it must take into account a striking title (so that they continue reading), and a text that invites reading up to the final. Because it is not the brief, it is the clearness of the message and the ingenuity.
3. Key to creating content: Enrich your content
Use the combination of different formats in your content, not just texts. Take into account interactive designs, audio, music. All these elements enrich your content and make it more attractive to attract attention. Getting noticed is so important and more if your content is good. Because sometimes good content can be overshadowed by excess text in an image or unattractive images.
4. Key to create content: Create current content
While evergreen or evergreen content, it is recommended by various content strategists. On this occasion, Moreno also refers to creating content with current data. The fresher the more relevance users will see in your content. An example of this can be found in the news, but non-news portals can comment on new statistics or talk about current issues that concern and affect their community. But according to his point of view, what he would not recommend would be to publish content that has already lost its validity.
5. Key to creating content: Offer an advantage
Make your content exclusive, offer a window next to a call to action, or post unique content to your account. If you are an ecommerce, an offer or discount can attract the attention of the user. Offering a head start can attract the right people at a certain time. In these cases you should always make sure to stand out from things that you really offer or that you can fulfill. Moreno recommends creating content that provides added value to community members.
6. Key to creating content: Use examples
Share your success stories, in different formats and platforms. Make sure to show that you are the best match with your work. Nowadays and more in social networks, people want to see facts. Less “I know how to do” and more display of results. That effectiveness greatly helps them decide for you. So start dusting off your projects and start creating content through it.
The old content can be fragmented into small fragments telling a little of the story of your clients what you have achieved. With this recycling you can make snack content, a different content from conventional media and content, because it is designed to be instantly attractive and brief.
7. Key to creating content: Collect resources
Turn your content into something truly for your community. It is not only about making informative or current content, it is important that you provide some tools, collect tips in an ebook, perhaps the interpretation of some statistics. Always think of something useful that your buyer persona may consider using.
One of the most measured indicators on social networks are shares and comments. So if you can make content that is worth commenting on or sharing, it will greatly benefit.
8. Key to creating content: Show the human side of the brand
The humanization of the brand is a reality, especially today. Social networks are an excellent way to show that human side, the people who make up your team, your values as a brand in your projects and your position in different circumstances. Moreno tells us that: “The brand has its own personality, enhance it consistently. Behind all the messages there are people, so don’t be afraid ”. Create content from your FAQs, tell your story and humanize your cool logo. So that people see much more than a brand.
9. Key to creating content: Be consistent with your networks
Consistency is rewarded in many places, and social networks will not be the exception. Consistency is important. But generating content by being “constant” is not the best of actions. In all cases the recommendation is to create content with clear objectives. Moreno says on this occasion that: On Twitter you can send messages several times a day, while on Google+ and Facebook it will be enough with five or six updates a week. In addition, according to the author of the book, it is better to communicate less, but always send relevant messages, than to be labeled a spam generator
10. Key to creating content: Write with property
Take good care of your content, in all cases make sure you have a clear wording and check the spelling. Review the text a couple of times before publishing any content. That also applies when making the design. Bad writing can make your clients think you don’t know what you’re talking about.
11. Key to creating content: Adapt to each platform
Knowing each platform is essential to know how to write messages or in what formats to create them. In this part of adaptation one of our tips is to familiarize yourself with the applications before uploading any content. Moreno recommends using a blog as the center of content creation, while Facebook and Google to foster a sense of community. On the other hand, Twitter to establish dialogue with the audience, Pinterest and Instagram as image repositories and YouTube as a video channel and Linkedin details it as a professional channel, which you can use to speak to professionals.
12. Key to creating content: Be original
Originality is also an essential part of content, but in this case it is not only about having the exclusive of a topic, but rather the recommendation is to avoid the repetition of content for many platforms. The author considers that: “With repetition, we will only be able to saturate those who follow us in different ways.”
So once you take the time on each platform, make sure you take the time to create different content on each of them, maybe on YouTube you can upload a podcast, on your blog share news or educational topics, and social networks could be a window to your most humane work. Show a little the procedure of a talk, an event with your team. Of course, everything will depend on the objective of the strategy.
13. Key to create content: Use Keywords
Quality content should always be your priority, but using keywords to optimize your content is essential to appear in search engines. The secret is that it can be fluid in the text, in the case of images you can use ALT tags and descriptions. The truth is that search engine optimization is essential for content to reach many more users who search on Google. So apply SEO to your text whenever you can.
Let’s get to work with creating content on social networks! If you are looking to create quality content, we can also help you boost your brand.