1888888888 caller info:  complete guide

    1888888888 caller info:  complete guide

    If you get calls from the number “1888888888” and want to obtain further information about this number then you are at the right place. Read this article to get useful information about it.

    What are 1888888888? Is it legit?

    Many people report 1888888888 for scam on different online platforms. This number is involved in a fraud known as an “IRS impersonation scam.” In this scam, the scammer pretends to be from Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and contacts the individual through phone, email, and other sources. The scammer claims individuals that owe money to the IRS and they must pay them immediately otherwise they will face some legal consequences.

    The scammers may use several ways to frighten and convince the individual such as the threat of arrest, deportation, loss of driving license, and much more. They may also show fake IRS badge numbers, use fake caller IDs, they use spoofing technology, which pretends them to be a legitimate IRS agent, and provide a document from IRS that looks official but fake to make their claim to be natural and legit.

    Commonly, IRS does not make annoying phone calls with taxpayers by phone. They commonly send an official letter to inform the individual that they have to pay tax. Moreover, they do not demand immediate payment on the phone or by unusual means like gift cards and wire transfers.

    If you get a call from 1888888888 claiming you to be an agent from IRS then you should be cautious. Verify whether the caller is a legit IRS agent or not. Do not give your personal information.

    How to identify this scam

    It is hard to identify the scam like IRS Impersonation scam but the following are a few alarming signs which help you to understand that the call is a scam:

    Sense of urgency

    The scammers usually create a sense of urgency or threaten the victim to pressure them into taking rapid action. They may threaten the victim with legal action or claim that they have limited time to take advantage of the offer

    Unsolicited calls

    The scammer makes unsolicited calls even if the victim did not request them. Be cautious if you get unsolicited calls and messages from an unknown number. Avoid answering the call from an unknown number to protect yourself from any type of security risk or scam.

    Ask personal information

    Scammers may obtain personal information or financial information like social society numbers, bank details, and credit card numbers. If someone asks, you for all this information do not give him or her or do not trust anyone.

    Strange payment methods

    Always remember that legitimate services tell the customer to pay from known sources like bank accounts or credit cards. If the caller asks for payment by uncommon ways like wire transfer, gift cards, and crypto currency then they may be scammers. Be cautious if you request payment from uncommon methods.

    Suspicious websites and fake links

    The scammers may use fake websites and links to trick the victims into providing personal information or downloading malware on their devices. So, do not follow the instructions of the caller or do not hit any link to enter personal information

    How to be protected from the scam

    If you want to protect yourself from scam that is too common these days then you should follow the instructions below:

    Do not answer unknown calls

    You are suggested to ignore calls and messages from unknown numbers, do not show a response to unknown and suspicious calls or messages.

    Do not share personal information

    If the caller requests you to give your personal information then you should avoid sharing your personal information. In case, they threaten you to provide personal information then give them fake information in case to get rid of them




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