206-453-2329 : Is it legit or not

    206-453-2329 : Is it legit or not

    If you received calls and texts from this number and want to know further about it then you are at the right place. In this article, I am going to tell you all about “206-453-2329.” Read this article to get further information about it.

    Is 206-453-2329 legit or not?

    If you searched about this number on the internet and Google, the information that you get is not enough or confusing for you because some sources reported this number as the legit number that is from an “Amazon Delivery Driver” while some people reported it as fraud or fraud on review websites.

    Therefore, it is hard for you to decide whether this number is legit or not because scammers can use spoofing phone numbers or other technology to appear as a legal service. If you want to be secure by such numbers then you should use legit sources to test the legitimacy of the calls before responding to them.


    Who is behind 206-453-2329?

    This number is registered as the Amazon driver and customer support number and serves as a direct source of interaction between Amazon driver and customer. This number is used by Amazon drivers and it ensures that neither anyone may access another’s phone numbers to reduce the risk of a data breach.

    However, you should be cautious in any case because scammers can use this number for frauds by using spoofing technology. This means that the number is registered as an Amazon number but not anyone who claims to be an Amazon driver by using this number may be legitimate. Therefore, if you get a call from this number but you do not make any orders with Amazon so, you should be cautious and avoid answering the call.

    How you can be scammed by spoofing technology with 206-453-2329?

    Spoofing technology is a technique with nasty intent to trick or defraud a person or system. When anyone gets calls from numbers with spoofing technology, they think that the sender of the call is someone else. In simple words, this technology is used to hide the caller ID and to appear the caller ID as a legit service like 206-453-2329 is appeared as the Amazon delivery driver.

    This enables the scammer to gain the victim’s trust, get a person or professional information, and do another type of fraudulent activity. Spoofing can be done in many ways such as by changing the caller ID setting on several devices or using any software and program to influence the telephone network.

    What is the fraud 206-453-2329?

    206-453-2329 is involved in the Amazon Brushing fraud. In this fraud, a person from Amazon sends packages to other persons whose personal information like name, address, and phone number has been taken by illegal sources.

    The aim to do this is to get positive reviews on the platform for specific sellers, which creates a good reputation for the seller on the Amazon platform. By doing this, the seller is aiming to influence the system to increase their rating, which is a trick to encourage the unsuspecting person to make purchases from them.

    This fraud influences both customers and legitimate sellers. Customers may unexpectedly be charged for orders that they never made and they may face the potential risk of identity theft as their credentials can be used to make fake accounts.

    While the legit seller may face fake reviews, which decrease their rating on the platform and decrease, their trust scores.

    Therefore, if you get a call from this number then you are suggested to avoid attending the call or not give your personal information in case you mistakenly attend the call. You may face a scam if you do not be cautious.


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