21% of Peruvians started an enterprise through social networks

21% of Peruvians started an enterprise through social networks

And these are the mistakes they usually know when they try to make them through social networks

21% of Peruvians started an enterprise through social networks


It is no secret to anyone that in addition to reinventing themselves, most Peruvians are having a tough financial situation, as it has been affected as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. A survey by the Listening to Peru Association and the Pacific Edelman Affiliate agency revealed that 75% of Peruvians in the socio-economic sector lost their jobs as a result of the crisis. 

In addition, it is estimated that only in June 34% of Peruvians started a business or a new venture. And that 21% of them started it using social networks such as Facebook, WhatsApp or web pages. 

The consultant’s director of quantitative studies, Daniel Vargas, explains to RPP news that these: “They bet more on social networks for the ease of using them, as well as for their reaching the general public.” In addition, it is estimated that within the age range of Peruvians who are entrepreneurs are between 41 and 50 years old.

Undertaking on social networks

The commitment to social networks as shopping channels draws our attention, because it would be a good strategy that is worth implementing. Because according to the same news source, 31% of Peruvians continue to purchase products through the internet due to the new normal and another 28% continue to go to shopping centers to make their purchases.

If you are part of those who want to undertake to know who are willing to buy by this means and the percentage of success is clearly important, but going further into our subject to know the main mistakes that many entrepreneurs have made because they are novices in the area, it is important to optimize the use of social networks much more and thus boost your sales through them.

Main mistakes of new entrepreneurs in social networks 

1. Misuse of Instagram stories and ignorance of the standards of the platform.

2. They do not schedule their publications on Facebook, a social network that only shows content to 1% of followers when there is no money involved.

3. They don’t take advantage of Tiktok: it has a super good reach if what you are looking for is organic reach.

4.They do not invest in a website and do not take advantage of the benefits 

5. They invest in a website and have social networks, but they do not generate valuable content or apply SEO.

1. Bad use of Instagram stories and ignorance of the platform:

A common mistake for new instagramers is the misuse of the visual platform, because Instagram is much more than pretty photos. A very useful tip is to be very clear about what you do and how you do it. For example: Adding your purpose and preparation to your biography. Optimizing so that the call and contact buttons are very helpful to locate you. 

But above all, understand that you must create trust. Today with so much content, certain things like ethics may be lost. Therefore, if you dedicate yourself to selling on Instagram, try to be real, use real photographs of the products and create a simple content strategy to make it more striking and attractive. For example: Using short videos with music, trying to show what you sell in a different way can increase your visibility and attention. 

2.They do not schedule their publications on Facebook

The rules of the game changed a long time ago on this social network. But it is common that people who are just entering social networks do not know it. Although Facebook wants users to stay longer, it also requires that they do so by consuming useful content, so if you want to start advertising your products through this social network, you will have to pay for content designed so that your future customers react and do not lose the money invested. 

One tip is that if you want to sell something in large quantities, have a Facebook page far beyond just posting it on your Market Place. Because if your goal is to publicize your brand, you should invest in showing a consistent and professional image in this way. But more than anything, understand that organically it is no longer possible to get that far on Facebook, so start being the best friend of the campaign planner and advertise your content.

3. Make the most of social networks like Tik Tok

Many do not even know the benefits of a social network like Tik Tok, sometimes because they consider that their type of audience is not in this social network. But if you are new to the digital area, using Tik Tok in your strategy can be very useful and it is all due to its organic reach. Many from chefs to influencers have used this springboard to reach more people. One tip is to define your personality, type of content you want to launch and once there, just make yourself known. Because one of the advantages of using Tik Tok is that it lets you be creative.

4.They do not invest in a web page: 

Web pages are excellent content managers, with it you can build loyalty in sales much better and also the web traffic that you can get organically with a web page is key to obtaining new interested in your service or product. If you are one of those who think big, you should know that investing in a good website can boost your sales and greatly formalize the acquisition of new customers and interested parties. 

Among its benefits, we have that, with a website you can enhance the reach of your business, improve your brand image, increase your sales, improve the service you offer to the client and achieve positioning in search engines such as Google. Which are used by a large part of Peruvians to do their searches before buying.

5. They do not generate valuable content or apply SEO.

The other part is the one that already has some empirical knowledge about social networks but still does not know that generating valuable content is necessary. Especially when looking to have clients, differentiation is the key part of everything. But when we talk about differentiating, we must take into account the quality of the images, the texts and the entire advertising strategy that is created behind the content. 

And in the case of those who created a web page and opted to dabble in search engines, not applying SEO to their web page can be one of the worst mistakes. Because after any investment the optimization to get 100% of that is vital. As a tip, make hiring an Inbound Marketing agency a priority.

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