Playing well means experiencing the world, materials, techniques. ITALIANTOY: WHEN PLAYING IS SOMETHING DIFFERENT

    Experience oneself, one’s creativity, one’s curiosity.

    Touch the poem, smell the amazement, listen to the wonder.


    This is how Italiantoy products are born: lenses. They arise between a confrontation and a poem, a chat and a suggestive image . Suggestions, perplexities, criticisms… everything goes into circulation, because the goal is to make each game a small masterpiece. Something that gives the child the right to play well.

    The Italiantoy games want to build a “bubble” for the child: he doesn’t have to rush or get out of breath, but he can finally play, experiment, create, do and undo, think, plan, start over.

    These games believe, in fact, in the intelligence of the gesture ; they allow you to see everyday things in a different way; cultivating the artistic side of the child, they support his dexterity, stimulate his imagination and increase it; they are poetry and magic, they are tradition and history, mastery and abstraction… they are made of amazement and observation.

    Yes, because the Italiantoy games are created by Italian artisans, specialized in different techniques and lovers of the best materials .

    Italiantoy believed in Italy, in its genius and in the ability of its artists to find the most innovative solutions. This is why they love to toast with a glass of good wine, when the adventure of the birth of a new game is successful. For them it is not just work: what comes out of their hands is the portrait of us all. Anyone who plays with an Italiantoy product has a real piece of Italy in their hands. And of Europe. And all of their cultural history .

    In fact, the Italiantoy games have very evocative names, which recall great figures and personalities of art, science, literature … But not with the intent of indoctrinating children, but rather to teach them that all great artists, scientists , men of letters were, first of all, simple men and women, with a common name, passionate explorers of the world around them.

    This is why a creative game with a pictorial matrix is ​​not called “Picasso”, but Pablo Pi ; a frottage table that helps in the recognition and classification of trees is not called “Linnaeus”, but Carlo Elle ; an aid for playing with lights, shadows and futurist compositions is not entitled “Depero”, but Fortunato Di ; the planks to create an ideal city, with the perfect proportions and harmonies of the Renaissance facades do not bear the name “Alberti”, but simply Leon Bi . Only a name and the initial of that surname that would become famous and important; so that every child knows that what he creates with his hands and his creativity can be a masterpiece, if created with attention, care and passion.


    Each Italiantoy game is a quote of Beauty, in each nuance it presents itself to our eyes.


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