Drinking games to play


    Drinking games to play

    To jazz up a house party add music, conversation, dancing lights, and a whole host of other things. You want to make part cooler, but how? I will tell you some drinking games that will lighten up your party. Drinking games to play


    Drinking games to play:

    Never Have I Ever:

    To know your friend’s secret Never Have I Ever is a great game! People will take a sip of their drink you have to be share something that you have never done before. All the people who have been drinking have been arrested. Out of what you say the key here is to make your friends admit their embarrassing stories.

    What you need for this game:

    • Drinks


    1. Drunk Jenga:

    On each of the 54 Jenga blocks some funny and crazy challengers write, Drunk Jenga is like a normal Jenga. With one hand and place it on the top of the pile the trick is to pick up one block from the set of the pile of blocks. You pick up two blocks hug your drink complete the challenges if the stack falls.

    What you need:

    • Drinks
    • Jenga


    1. Thumper;

    When people start falling asleep this is a quick, easy game for the time. You sit around the table and pick a hand motion for yourself. Then you choose a victory sign or let your imagination run wild. The game begins when everyone thumbs at the table. Do someone else’s action you start your hand action, while the other continue thumping.

    1. Straight face:

    To keep your face straight just that when you get drunk. On small pieces of paper, you write funny or inappropriate sentences – while keeping a straight face once that is tough to read. To keep a straight face each player picks up a chit of paper. The one who reacts to drink.

    What you need:

    • Drinks


    1. Flip Cups:

    For a house party, Flip Cup is a good starter. On Opposite sides of the table both team stand and keep their cups. Before the next member begins everyone must finish their drink and flip the cup. To complete this wins the first team.


    1. Buzz:

    A number and says it loud, one of the easiest games, each player starts counting a number, except 7 and its multiples, you say buzz in each case. If you don’t you drink.


    1. Most Likely:

    In this game, the group sits in a circle and asks most likely questions. “To far in front of stranger who would be most far”. At them, the person who has a maximum number of fingers pointed drinks as many drinks.


    1. Bite the Bag:

    This is the most interesting and fun game. Take a turn to lean and pick it up using only your mouth so you keep a bag on the ground. While playing this game kept in mind that no hands are allowed. If you pick the bag you did not drink but if you do not pick the bag you have to drink.

    What you need for this game;

    • A bag
    • Drink
    Drinking games to play
    Drinking games to play
    1. Screw the dealer:

    In this game with the drink in their hand, all players sit around a table. Everyone is dealt one card. The first dealer player is with the lowest card and collects all cards, and shuffles the deck. Next, on the top of the deck, the dealer asks the player to their left to guess the card. Then takes 4 sips dealer if the guess is right. But if the guess is wrong, then the person ask player “higher” or “lower” and second guess get the players. The players drink the difference between their guesses and the cards if the guesses are incorrect. Until the deck is out this gameplay is clockwise.

    1. Beeramid:

    On a table the dealer makes a pyramid of cards face down. The bottom row has an even card next to the 6 and the so on the top. Among the players, the cards are distributed.


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