How much do Blackhawk helicopters cost?

    How much do Blackhawk helicopters cost?

    As the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk formally known, by the United States military the Black Hawk is utility helicopter predominantly used. For a Black Hawk Helicopter since there is no officially disclosed price, between $3 million to $26 million we can estimated that it’s cost to purchase. As the Sikorsky S-70 Civilian Black Hawks are known and costa approximately $ 13 million new. How much do Blackhawk helicopters cost?

    A black Hawk Helicopter Cost how much does?

    On its variant and purpose a black hawk helicopter’s price depends largely. As $5.9 million the price  of a standard Black Hawk UH-60 helicopter could be as low in standard configuration if multiple units are ordered simultaneously. As a $25+ million the price of a Black Hawk helicopter could reach as high with a unique configuration if just a single helicopter was purchase.

    To Buy how much does A Black Hawk Helicopter cost: (6 variants)

    UH-60L Black Haw:

    Is a twin-engine the UH-60 Black Hawk, by Sikorsky Aircraft developed four-blade and medium-lift utility helicopter?


    To provide utility, medical and military roles the UH-60 L Black Hawk was developed. From conducting aerial assaults the helicopter has been used for everything, performing reconnaissance, evacuating personnel, and as an aerial command post acting.


    around $6 million the average estimated price of this copper. Between the aircraft and the country ordering and the United Stated the geopolitical relationship this figure could depending on the number of unites orders.

    HH-60 Pave Hawk:

    From the previously mentioned UH-60 the H—60 Pave Haw kwas derived. By the United States Air Force this chopper has a twin-turbo shaft engine and is predominantly.


    The US Air Force PAVE electronic systems program this chopper, so recovery operations and in search its primary role is in. like battlefield from hostile conditions to recover and transport troops the Pace Hawk is most frequently used.


    of $10.2 million unit has an estimated a single Pave Hawk.

    HH-60 Black Hawk:

    Of the UH-60M Black Hawk the HH-60 M Black Hawk is the official medical evaluation version.

    Purpose: How much do Blackhawk helicopters cost?

    From battlefield for the US Army t evacuate wounded troops Sikorsky Aircraft built this chopper. Built-in medical facilities this chopper, to six patients for carrying including an electronically controller litter system, and for medical evacuation purposes is used.

    Cost: An estimated unit price the latest version of the UH-60M Black Hawk $25 million.

    Sikorsky VH-60N White Hawk:

    Of Blackhawk is the official transport version the Sikorsky VH-60N White Hawk. For VIP Transportation bobbed the White Hawk.

    Purpose: How much do Blackhawk helicopters cost?

    Just like Air Force, for transporting the US President, Vice President, o states foreign head, and of the white house Military offices from the director other high-ranking officials the White Hawk is used for transporting.

    Cost: How much do Blackhawk helicopters cost?

    Per unit cost of $1.6 million the white Hawk has a reported.

    UH-60J Black Hawk:

    From the Japanese Air Sled Defense Fore and Maritime Self Defense Force the UH-60 J Black Hawk was developed. By Mitsubishi Heavy Industries this helicopter was licensed. By the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force for search and rescue emissions this helicopter is mostly used. Only in Japan this chopper is almost exclusively used.


    Cost estimate vary, Of between $13 to $14 million its believed each unit has a price tag.

    Sikorsky EH-60A:

    From the UH-60A the Sikorsky EH-60A was derived. For tow electronic systems mission operates this chopper has a modified electrical system and stations. However, has not been commercially produced et this aircraft.


    For electronic warfare the intended purpose of this aircraft. Disrupt their electronic systems and to block enemy communications systems the is aircraft was intended to be used.


    Bu some that it’s estimated that were produced if te chopper, then $25 million per unit it would cost no less.

    To operate how much does the cost of A Black Hawk Helicopter:

    Are not publicaly the operating costs od a military Balk Hawk Helicopter, but estimated we can use. On its model A Black Hawk Helicopter’s operating cost also varies depending, so a general range we’ll provide.

    Cost per hour:

    Of an Hour the total cost of an operating the helicopter operating cos per hour includes the total costs, including fuel costs and maintenance costs, other expenses among.

    Between $2,000 to $4,000 an average Black Hawk Helicopter’s operating cost per hour it’s been estimated, but on the region of operating and market conditions the actual cost depends highly.

    Cost of Fuel:

    Above the sea level on factors like altitude Fuel consumption costs depend, outside temperature, onboard weight, and fight speed. Al refueling equipment is present and no external tanks are used assuming that, to fuel a black Hawk it could costs between $800 to $2,000. On the fossils fuel market’s conditions fueling costs also depend.

    Maintenance cost:

    To be regularly replaced Black Hawk helicopter’s parts have, so to be extremely high the maintained cost of Black Hawk Helicopters is assumed. About Black Hawk helicopter maintained costs although no public information exists, in total per annum on Black- Hawk helicopter maintained that the United States spends over $1 billion it’s estimated that.

    Black Hawk Helicopter can i buy:

    As a Lockheed Martin company, through direct commercial sale a BLACK HAWK helicopter integrated with guns Sikorsky can now offer international customers, missiles and rockets.

    How much do Blackhawk helicopters cost
    How much do Blackhawk helicopters cost

    About most expensive Military Helicopter:

    Sikorsky C-53K KING STALLION. For the United States the Sikorsky CH-53K KING Stallion I as big heavy-lift freight helicopter begin developed by Sikorsky Aircraft Marine Corps.

    Black Hawk Can civilian buy:

    Jason Lambert, of Sikorsky Global Commercial & Military Systems Vice President, with type certification announced that, to the U.S civilian market to the U.S the S-70M Black Hawk will be available. At international level commenting on certification, by FAR 21. 25 resolutions Is not where a category similar to that enables.

    A Black Hawk Helicopter how far can fly:

    To 5,000 pounds each the wings are rated, an a dingle 230-gallon fuel tank can accommodate, as a single 450-gallon fuel tank.

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