Top 10 blog sites | All you need to know

    Top 10 blog sites | All you need to know

    A blog is logging one thought, idea, and experience in more of one place or on the web. It’s an informational website displaying information. It’s a platform where writers share their views. Blog or blogging are now used for content creation. Top 10 blog sites | All you need to know

    Types of a blog:

    • Personal blog
    • Collaborative and Group blog
    • Microblogging
    • Cooperative and organizational blog
    • Aggregated blog

    Create a blog:

    • Sign in to blogger
    • On the left side, click the down arrow
    • Click the new blog
    • Enter the name of a blog
    • Then click next.
    • Choose a blog address or URLs
    • Clicks save.

     Structure of the blog:

    • Header with the menu and navigation bar.
    • Main content area with latest blog posts.
    • Sidebar with social profiles, favorite contents
    • Footer are relevant links like a disclaimer, privacy policy, contact page, etc.

     Top 10 blog sites:

    There are many reasons to start a blog may be for personal use and business blogging. For business projects or anything that might bring you money is a straightforward purpose. To rank your website and increase visibility. The main reason for a blog is to boost your website traffic and to connect you to the audience. I will tell you the top 10 blog sites.


    WordPress is a hosting site service. It’s a hosted service of the software-as-a-service platform. a content management system you easily build a website using It’s the most popular. Millions of businessmen, bloggers, and publishers used WordPress every day. If you want to control your site. It’s easy to move on


    • Easy to install
    • or, Easy to use
    • Easy to setup
    • and, Easy interface
    • Media management
    • Multiple Theme option
    • Flexibility Perfect for Small hobby blogs


    Plain costs between $4 to $5 per month for the paid WordPress plans. With the business plans, you can connect your site to Google Analytics.


    The most popular self-hosted version of WordPress. In this, you will find free WordPress software and you can install your webserver to create a website. Its self-hosting version is used for all kinds of blogs, but most are serious about personal blogging, business blogging, and online business.


    • Flexibility
    • Its data is free
    • Super easy to use
    • Design website as you needed


    It’s Free to use. To set it up, you just need a domain name and web hosting.


    It’s offering online services for hosting, domain names, and website building. It’s the largest provider of website builders. If you started a smaller business website it covers all areas of a personal blog or online store.


    • Hosting and a free domain
    • 24/7 support
    • Unlimited information


    There are three plans. Starter package 1.95%, marketing package 2.95%, and eCommerce package 3.95% per month. After the first billing cycle, the packages price will be $10 per month, $15, and $20.


    Wix is easy a website builder and easy to use, it can drag and drop interface. Wix is similar to Squarescape.


    • Good site speed
    • Market your site easily
    • Lots of help and support
    • You receive upgraded design template.


    They started to form $14 per month for 3GB storage plus. There is the most expensive plan of $39 per month with VIP support.


    It’s a free and open-source management system. You can build all kinds of websites. Some popular websites may use Joomla like LINUX, Holiday In, IT write, Lipton Ice Tea, and IKEA.

    Top 10 blog sites
    Top 10 blog sites


    • Flexible system
    • Search Engine Optimize out of the box
    • Build powerful PHP application
    • Security


    Joomla is free to download, cost only hosting and domain.


    It is a good publishing platform. It has now become popular for writers, bloggers, and journals. Medium is safe to use. It comes with a limited social networking function.


    • Has a great important tool.
    • There is no API
    • You reach a new audience
    • Elegant writing experience


    It’s Free to use.


    It focuses only on blogging. Its idea is to make a modern version of WordPress. It’s available for hosting and self-hosted version.


    • Focus on writing and blogging
    • Live preview of blog
    • SEO and social media capabilities
    • The hosted version requires no setup


    The price of hosted version depends on the number of websites and traffics. This includes SSL encryption. The most expensive plane is $249 per month.


    Squarescape is a website builder for small business owners with drag and drop. It offers hosting, domain registration, and the possibility of eCommerce. It has the best blog site because it also has the ability of blogging.


    • Simple to use
    • Ability to build online store
    • Hosting and custom domain
    • 24/7 support service


    Squarescape has two planes. One is $12 per month and the other is $18 per month. The business plan also has marketing features and eCommerce allows you to customize your design. There is a 14-day trial.



    Blogger is a free hosting website service for a long time. It is acquired by Google in 2003. You can easily sign up with your google existing Account.

    Perfect for:

    • Personal bloggers
    • Hobby bloggers


    • Free to use
    • Mobile-optimize template
    • Hosting, maintenance is taken care


    It’s completely free.

    Tumbler is a microblogging platform. It is in the middle of WordPress and Twitter. On tumbler you share anything. Photos, quotes, link, music, videos and post text from your browser, mobile, or email, wherever you want to share.

     Perfect for:

    • Personal blogger
    • Hobby blogger


    • Free and easy to set up
    • Hosting is included
    • Easy to publish
    • Many design opportunities


    Optional cost for the domain. It’s free to use.


    In this article, I have discussed the top 10 blog sites. I hope you learned some helpful information about blogging. If you want to start a blog, then your next step is to work on your blog content and quality, if it’s good that your readers may satisfy with your work. If you can ask me something, ask me in the comment section.

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