A. Recruitment

    A. Recruitment

    Recrung refers to the process of attracting potential job applicants from the available labor force Every organization must be able to attract a sufficient number of the job candidates who have the abilines and aptitudes needed to help the organization to achieve its objecoves An effective employee selection procedure is limited by the effectiveness of recruiting process Outstanding jobs candidates cannot be selected if they are not included in the applicant pool The recruitment process also interacts with other personnel functions, especially performance evaluanon)

    compensation training and development and employee relations. Recrutong is typically a human resource


    in planning recruing activities, an organization needs to know how many applicants must be recruited Since some applicants may not be satisfactory an others may not accept the job ufters, an organization must recruit more applicants than it experts to hire Yield Ratios help orgaruzauons decide how many employees us recruit for each job opening These ratios express the relationship between the number of people at one step of the recruitment process relative to the number of people who will more to the next step. Now we will discuss the different sources of recruitment that are available in organization:

    B Source of Recruitment:

    Basically organizations are available by the two man sources of recruitment which are:

    External Recruitment.

    Il Internal Recruitment. Vacapocs in upper level management can be filled either by hiring people from uutude the organization.or by promoting lower level mangers. Both strategies have advantages and disadvantages. We will consider both internal and extemal recruitment sources in detail

    1 Internal Recruiting Sources: When job vacancies exist, the first place that an organizauon should look for placement is within itself. An

    organization’s present employees generally feel that they deserve ripportunities to be promoted to higher level posiuans because of their service and commitment to organization. More uver organizations have opportunities to examine the track records of its prezent employees and to esumate which of them would be successful Also recruiting among present employees is less expensive than recruiting from outside the organization. The major forms of the internal recruning include:

    Promotion from with in

    Job posting Contacts and referrals

    Promotion from within: Promoting entry level employees to more responsible positions is one of the best ways to fill job vacancies and important reason why company should have a human resource planning system An organization that has human resource planning system uses succession plans and replacement chants to identify and prepare indiduals for upper level positions Skills inventories are useful in identifying individuals who have the potenual for advancement, and individual’s desire to be promoted can be assessed in the performance appraisal review, A promotion from within pulicy is intrinsic to career development and human sesu planning. A promotion from within policy can stimulate great motivation among employer, and this motivation is often accompanied by a general inipivement in the employee wal

    b. Job posting

    An organization can also use the policy of job posting as a internal recruinment source. In the job posting system the organization noufies its present employees about job openings through sise of ballen boards, company publications, or personal letters. The purpose of the job posting to communicate thr the job opening exists. An effective job posting system involves the following gaidelines Job posting should be prominent

    Cleat job specification should be communicated so that applicants assess themsches either

    to apply or not.

    Once the decision is made, all applicants should be informed about the decision

    Job posung systems generally work quite well

    c. Contacts and Referrals

    Many firms have found that their employees can assist in the recrement process Employees may accly solicit applications from their friends and associates Before going outside to recruit employees, many organizations ask presera employees to encourage friends

    or relatives to apply for the job openings Contacts and referrals from the present employees are valuable sources of recruits Employee referrals are relatively inexpenure and usually produce quick responses However some organizations are concerned about problems that result from hiring friends of employees for example, the practice of hiring friends and relatives favorinuma, chquer ere

    Advantages of Internal Recruitment:

    Provides greater mouvation for good performance

    Provides greater oppornanines for present employees Provides better oppornmity to assess abilities

    Improves morale and organizational loyalty Enables employees to perform the new job with linle lost time

    Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment: Creates a narrowmg thinking and sale leas

    Creates pressures for compete

    Creates homogenous workforce

    Chances to miss good outside talent Requires strong mangement development program

    specully to train for technolog

    External Recruiting Sources: A broad variety of methods Dfa Ho are available for external recruiting. An organization should carefully assess the

    kinds of positions it wants to fill and select the recruiting methods that are likely to produce the best results

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