Bizum’s fast payment service is gaining more and more followers, especially among young audiences, who see in the application a way to receive small payments quickly and easily, without having to go to cash, something that is being tried avoid in times of pandemic.

Although Bizum is going to limit the number of receptions of this type of payment , the truth is that an ordinary person who receives few payments per month will not have any difficulty, and young people will continue to enjoy a service that gives them a lot more security, while paying your friends more easily.

When we carry out a transaction through Bizum, when sending the payment, we can put a concept of it so that the recipient knows the reason for the money they receive, for example to pay for a dinner, a product, part of the holidays or even “weapons for Syria.”

A user on the social network Twitter has published a nice situation in which he has recriminated his friend for putting a concept on him that has gotten him into a big mess with the bank .

And is that this type of joke among young people is quite common, putting all kinds of ironic concepts when sending a payment through Bizum. But of course, when they have put you in the concept of Bizum “weapons for Syria”, the bank has to make a move.

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What is Bizum and how to use it: create an account, compatible banks and everything you need to know

Still do not benefit from the advantages of Bizum? We tell you what it is and how it is used and everything you need to know about this mobile payment platform. 

Although this can be seen as a joke, there are issues that are prosecuted by law, and these types of concepts are controlled by both the banks and the authorities themselves. However, Bizum does not accept this type of payment, so the user could end up losing his account.

Surely the user has already explained to his bank that it was simply a joke, but it should be clarified that banks are obliged to inform the authorities about this type of transaction .

It is likely that everything has been a scare, but sometimes a joke can turn into a nightmare. Be careful with the concept of your payments in Bizum, you could get into a big problem