The 10 most beautiful cities in Ireland!

The 10 most beautiful cities in Ireland! Now that you know a little more about the history of Ireland, how about traveling to the island and discovering its most beautiful corners? Irish villages are pure tranquility. Do not miss them! Apart from the countless desert landscapes, Ireland also offers some very pretty cities to its visitors . From pubs…

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Discover Ireland in all its splendor

Discover Ireland in all its splendor BlogLanguagesEnglishEnglish Language: All about Ireland: Discover Ireland in all its splendor   Index What is the difference between Ireland and Northern Ireland? English: Discover the history of Ireland! The 10 most beautiful cities in Ireland! Who are the most iconic celebrities in Ireland? “I admit that we are attracted…

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What is American English?

What is American English? American English is the variant of Shakespeare’s language that we read and hear almost every day. It is the type of English that is usually best known to us because it is present in television series, movies, advertisements, magazines … It is part of our daily life. And what are the characteristics of American…

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Origin and peculiarities of Irish English

Origin and peculiarities of Irish English Language is the roadmap of a culture. It tells you where it comes from and where its people go – Rita Mae Brown. Ireland is a very interesting English-speaking country if you want to learn English. In fact, this country has two official languages: English and Irish. And our question is: what is the…

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UK English and its characteristics

UK English and its characteristics The United Kingdom is made up of four nations: Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland. In addition to their cultural, social and landscape differences, each nation has its own very marked accent. The Scottish accent: UK English and its characteristics To learn English, there is nothing better than practicing the language in an…

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What is Australian English?

What is Australian English? Australia, kangaroos, incomparable landscapes, surfing, beaches … Who has not dreamed of enjoying all this? But before traveling to the other side of the planet, you should know that the English spoken there is a little different from that spoken in Great Britain or the United States. Do you want to discover what Australian English consists…

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How to adapt to the English of a country?

How to adapt to the English of a country? BlogLanguagesEnglishKnow Everything about the Different Dialects of English: How to adapt to the English of a country? Index What is Australian English? UK English and its characteristics Origin and peculiarities of Irish English What is American English? Studying another language consists not only in learning other…

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