How to draw a hand

How to draw a hand Besides the face, the hands are another part of the body that is difficult to draw. Twenty-seven bones, muscles, tendons … The hand can adopt infinite positions. To learn how to draw a realistic hand , you have to practice. First, by looking at the anatomy of the hand, you will be able to draw similar hands…

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How to draw a face

How to draw a face ¿ How to draw a portrait ? This is one of the most difficult exercises in drawing. Even if you draw well, in the first few sketches you may realize that something is wrong with the face you just drew. How to draw an expressive face and become a good portraitist? How to draw an eye? How…

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Pizzas virtual es en lineal

Pizzas virtual es en lineal Otra solución para dibujar en el ordenador es usar una pizarra virtual en línea. El concepto es simple. Es una herramienta colaborativa de comunicación visual para realizar tus creaciones en línea, compartirlas e invitar a tus amigos o colegas a intervenir en el proyecto. Aunque en un principio, como las pizarras reales, se utilizan…

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How to progress between two drawing classes?

How to progress between two drawing classes? Sometimes the wait until the next class is long. So what do you do to practice and progress between two drawing classes? There are numerous exercises to improve motor and brain abilities useful to the practice of drawing. And visual memory plays an essential role. Sometimes I draw landscapes or scenes…

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What material to buy to attend drawing classes?

What material to buy to attend drawing classes? Good material will help you progress Material is the most important element for you to practice drawing. Luckily, it is not excessively expensive. To acquire the base material for your drawings , about ten euros is enough . Although many teachers make some supplies available to the students, you will have to buy…

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How to find a good drawing teacher?

How to find a good drawing teacher? Deciding to learn to draw is one thing, but finding the ideal drawing teacher is another. Some teachers are specialists with a type of paint We often come to like a certain subject based on the teacher we already have. Whether it’s math, language or drawing classes, it’s the same. But…

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