Changing your phone’s screen is easier than you think

Changing your phone’s screen is easier than you think

One of the problems that users around the world suffer every day is the damage to the screen of their mobile phones , and it is that due to falls or blows that the terminals suffer or simply due to fortuitous technical issues, the need to change this component is a of the most requested tasks throughout the repair industry. However, what many do not know is that it is not crazy to change the screen of the phone without resorting to technical service and stores like make it clear .

It is clear that for users who do not have any kind of minimal knowledge about technical components or simply want to avoid any minimal risk of damaging some other section of the Smartphone, it is better to turn to a specialized technician. Of course, it must be made clear that the screen change process is not as complicated as it seems and the possibilities offered by the web make it much easier to have all the necessary information at hand and know what to do at all times.

Use quality mobile parts: Changing your phone’s screen is easier than you think

Stores like have a large stock of mobile screens

Before mentioning some tips about the process itself, it should be noted that each Smartphone has many parts inside and the problem related to the screen is not always the same. For example, if the mobile has been dropped in water, it is most likely that moisture has seeped into the interior of the equipment and a complete change of it is needed, although the problem may also have spread beyond the panel.

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Other characteristics such as the loss of screen brightness forces to completely replace the screen and not just a couple of it, while errors in the representation of colors or fixation of “ghost images” that do not disappear also mean a broken screen. . On the other hand, if the touch contact of the screen does not work correctly, you have to try to restart the device before drawing a conclusion .

Thus, when deciding to change the screen of your phone, it is essential to aim for quality parts that are preferably official from the same manufacturer and for the same model , and it is that saving money on these types of components can be totally counterproductive to future, new problems appearing or failing in performance shortly after making the change.

It is worth clarifying that there are many sites that offer mobile parts but it is worth highlighting , a store that combines good prices with components for a wide variety of the best-selling devices on the market , such as Samsung, Apple, Xiaomi, Huawei and so on .

Tips for changing your phone screen: Changing your phone’s screen is easier than you think

Change phone screen

Following a step-by-step tutorial should not cause problems to change a panel by yourself.

Before starting the process, it is recommended to search the web for different tutorials on how to change the screen of your phone, either through text guides or videos on YouTube that make the process clearer by means of a step-by-step visual aid. Here it is recommended to find (if possible) the Smartphone model that one owns, since not all devices are built in exactly the same way.

It is also worth clarifying that some sites and videos correspond to stores that try to sell their replacement service, so perhaps fundamental steps are purposely ignored. Thus, it is best to look for guides and videos on the web published by independent users and not by private brands or stores .

Some tips to keep in mind include being sure before starting the process that one is not charged with static electricity , in addition to that it is always recommended to have the phone previously turned off and with the battery disconnected to avoid any risk.

To avoid damage to the terminal, you must have some special tools to be able to manipulate the small components, such is the case of a screwdriver kit that some stores (such as ) even give away with the purchase of a screen. At the same time, household items such as a hair dryer can be just as useful for the process, in this case providing the necessary heat so that the front panel peels off and the panel can be removed.

You, have you tried changing the screen or any other component of the mobile on your own ? Has it seemed a complicated process or easier than it seems?

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