Community Manager Day: What are your roles and responsibilities?

Community Manager Day: What are your roles and responsibilities?

We tell you what the day of a Community Manager is like and what activities they carry out to achieve the objectives of the Social Media strategy

Community Manager Day: What are your roles and responsibilities?

On January 27 we celebrate Community Manager’s Day, a suitable date to highlight the work that these social media bosses do. And to take advantage of the occasion, we have created a calendar with all the notable dates that Peru will live during the 366 days of the year 2020. 

If you are a marketing or communications student and you are starting in the world of social networks: you arrive in good time! All projections indicate that the virtual community will continue to grow by leaps and bounds in 2020 (Source: Hootsuite )

Likewise, the promotion of brands through social networks went from being a novelty to a necessity. This makes the Social Media Marketing business one of the most profitable for this year. 

What does a Community Manager do?

Community Manager Day

✔ Create and manage content. This is the daily bread for these professionals. 

✔ Constantly communicates with the community: Respond to users and create audiences.

✔ Humanizes the brand and generates added value to strengthen engagement.

✔ Analyze and monitor the performance of the strategy for Social Media, through KPI’s

✔ Plan digital marketing actions

How is the day of the Community Manager?

1) Review interactions

A good Community Manager starts the day by reviewing the interactions they have obtained on social media. This includes mentions, comments, posts, and new followers.

This moment is conducive to responding to users.

2) Create content 

The Community Manager’s day is almost 50% dedicated to content production. Either receiving photographs, graphics, videos or podcast; creating stories for instagram or recording everything that happens in the company with a camera in order to get new material that humanizes the brand and pleases the followers.

Sometimes the CM also writes blog articles, to drive traffic to the website from social media.

3) Tweet and Retweet

Twitter is the social network with the most movement of all. The Community Manager who manages accounts on this platform must tweet at least three times a day. Not counting the retweets. Depending on the nature of the account, the time that the CM must dedicate to Twitter varies. For example, if the company is linked to news or situations of the day, it is necessary to be aware at all times. 

4) Post on facebook

The next thing on the day of the Community Manager is to post on Facebook. According to the type of company, the number of publications per day may vary.  

Facebook is a social network that works for companies only if there is investment of a pattern. Its algorithm is configured to give greater visualization to paid content. 

So some companies spread their budget in two or three weekly posts. 

But there are others that have an important community on Facebook and therefore upload content every day. Even if they only schedule one or two posts per month.

5) Generate content for other components of the strategy

Community Manager Day

And by other components we mean other important social networks, such as Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest and YouTube. On many occasions, the public of certain companies is more on these networks than on the two main ones (Facebook and Twitter). 

In fact, for 2020 there are interesting forecasts for Tik Tok as a strategic platform to attract younger consumers.

6) Evaluate indicators

The only way to measure the performance of the Social Media strategy is to constantly measure the KPI’s of each platform. In this way, the Community Manager makes its daily balances, weekly reports and monthly reports on the growth of the accounts. 

7) Attend conversations

Social networks have become communities that connect brands with customers. This closeness creates spaces for dialogue. In fact, the growth of a brand, today, depends to a large extent on the empathy it has with its followers. 

Hence the importance of reading and responding to comments, publications and mentions from your community, in situations that warrant it. This largely depends on the style manual that the company manages. 

8) Monitor the competition and the sector

A good management of social networks, evaluates the movements of the competition. On the day of the Community Manager, you should spend a few hours reviewing the news in the sector, trends and the actions of other companies in the field. 

With all this data, the CM will be able to propose improvements for the Social Media strategy. 

9) Schedule posts for the next day

Last and most importantly, the Community Manager must schedule content for later dates. This saves important time that you will use for other tasks. 


The Community Manager’s day has more than 24 hours. Serving the digital community, many times it exceeds working hours. However, the organization is a key factor for the fulfillment of the strategy and the achievement of the objectives. 

If you want to learn about Social Media strategies, we recommend our excellent guide to create an effective Social Media strategy.

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