Creativity springs from the tension between spontaneity and limits. The latter, like riverbanks, force creativity into the various forms that are essential to the work of art or poem. Rollo May, CREATIVITY AND SPECIAL CHILDREN
Starting from this quote, I would like to sensitize all our readers, mothers and adults in general, who daily face the “suffering” of disability, in contrast with the creative energy that can transform it into opportunity or change. (Erickson)
I believe that creativity, play and disability go well together and in order to grasp the peculiarities of every child with disabilities (be they cognitive, sensory or motor) it is essential to approach this issue with a positive attitude or, as Alberto Munari would say, with a “epic, courageous” attitude.
Our task is to be able to grasp this diversity as uniqueness, observing and listening to this world without prejudice.
Encouraging and promoting the development of creativity in children with disabilities allows them to overcome and / or improve their limits: how is this possible?
Surely play is the activity par excellence that moves in this direction and we consider it reductive and misleading to consider playing with “special children” only from a rehabilitation-therapeutic point of view. The latter, in fact, is an inalienable right of all children, which allows them to free their creativity, to explore spontaneously and without judgment.
However, it must be stated that in the presence of disabilities, the times, spaces and methods of play will be different between normal-gifted children and special children. So, let’s see what are the strategies that can be implemented in the game in order to create a climate of trust in the child: the choice of the playful activity, the place and finally the choice of materials.
In this regard, in our catalog, we have decided to dedicate and reserve a part precisely to games and activities for children with disabilities who, to me, like to define “special”. For each disability, different games are offered that allow exploration, the discovery of the senses, motor skills and language. In general, the pleasure of playing can be enhanced through the use of materials that stimulate the child: let’s think for example of some products such as caress books or sensory tiles that offer textures of various types, providing the child with adequate sensory stimulation. .
So, dear mothers, choose the right game and bet on the achievements of your little ones because they are special children.
Sources: T. Vitali, R. Mastellari, Impossible possibilities Intertwining of normality, disability, creativity.