Design o fashion | 4 types of Fashion

    Design o fashion | 4 types of Fashion

    Of clothing and other lifestyle accessories Fashion design is a form of art dedicated to the creation. Into two basic categories modern fashion design is divided: haute couture and ready-to-wear. To certain customers the haute couture collection is dedicated and to fit this customer exactly is custom sized. As a haute in order to qualify, of 35 different outfits each time show a new collection twice a year presenting a minimum of 35 different outfits each time a designer has to be part of the Syndical Chamber for Haute Couture. Design o fashion | 4 types of Fashion

    Are standard sized ready-to-wear collections, not made custom, for a large production runs they are more suitable? In to two categories they are also split: confection collection and designer/creature. As a unique design Designer collections have a higher quality and finish. For the sale to make a statement rather then they often represents a certain philosophy and are created. Both haute-couture and ready to wear collections are presented on international catwalks.

    Who invented it?

    A simple was Charles Frederick Worth the first fashion designer wi was more the, in the 19th century. In Paris before he set up his fashion house, from the styles worn by royalty clothing was made by anonymous dressmakers and fashion standards were derived. To actually dictate to his customers Worth was the first designer to wear rather than following their demands.

    Attach a face and a new to design his fashion house became so famous that people were able from the house of Worth when they knew they were. To have a designer of a house this was the beginning of the tradition of a house not only create clothing, but of the brand also represents the symbol.

    Fashion designers:

    Such as rings, necklaces, earnings when designing their pieces and accessories fashion designer work in a variety of different ways. Of the fashion market requirements have to be aware. In learning new things and read magazines they have to be very interested in learning, on fashion design history and new trends  journals and books. In art they also have to be interested, they have the opportunity with all kind of artists whenever. Of tailoring a designer should also have some knowledge and experience and between different fabric quality levels be able to tell the difference.

    Of the audience’s lifestyle and customer and requirements a good understanding in fashion design is also needed. To express their ideas clearly Designers should have good communication skills.


    For one fashion house Fashion designers may work full-time, as in use designer, the designer which owns, of a team of they work alone or as part. For themselves freelance designers work, of fashion houses selling their designs, to shop directly, or to clothing manufacturers. Their own labels most fashion designers set up, are marled under which their designs. For individual client while others are self-employed and design. To specially stores or high-end fashion department stores other high end fashion designers cater. Original garments these designers create, that follow as well as those, fashion trend established. Many fashion designers, however, for appeal manufacturers, of men’s creating design, women’s and children fashions work for the mass market. Such as Abercrombie & Fit, Justice, or Juicy large designer brands which have a name as their brand of a designer director by a team of individual designers.

    Type of fashion:

    Into three main category Garments produced by clothing manufacturers fall, into additional although these may be split, different types.

    Haute Couture:

    Until the 1950s, On a made to measure or haute couture fashion clothing, for a specific client with each garment being created. For an individual customer a couture garment is made to order, from highly quality is usually made, expensive fabrics, to detail an defines sewn with extreme attention, using time consuming often, techniques hand-executed. The time it takes to make look and fit take priority over the cost of materials. Of each garment due to the high cost, for the fashion houses haute couture makes little priority, but for prestige and publicity is important.

    Ready to wear:

    Ready to wear, or pret-a-porter, between haute couture and mass market clothes are a cross. From individual customer they are not, of the fabric great care is taken in the choice and cut. To guarantee exclusivity Clothes are made in small quantities, rather expensive they are. During a period known as Fashion Week ready-to-wear collections are usually presented by fashion houses. Twice a year this takes place on a citywide basis and occurs. Of Fashion Week the main seasons include: Summer/spring, resort, swim, and bridal.

    Design o fashion
    Design o fashion

    An alternative to ready-to-wear half way garments are, off-the-peg and pret-a-porter fashion. Between the primary designer of the garments of clothing that encourages co-design half-way garments are intentionally unfinished pieces, usually be consider what would, the passive consumer. Of making and co-designing their clothing in the process as the consumer is able to participate in the process. During the make workshop, for the user in the garment-making process created a meaningful narrative Harsher and Ninimaki found that personal involvement, of the final product a person-product attachment and increased the sentimental value which established a person product attachment.

    Mass market:

    Currently, on mass market sales the fashion industry relies more. For a wide range of customers the mass market caters, by the famous names in fashion producing ready-to-wear garments using trends set. Of the original look on before producing their versions they often wait around a season to make sure a style is going to teach. To save time and money, which can easily be done by machines they use cheaper fabrics and simpler production techniques. Therefore the end product, much more cheaply be sold.

    Fashion design term:

    Of clothing and other lifestyle accessories fashion design is a form of art dedicated to the creation. Into toe basic categories modern fashion design is divided: ready-to-wear and haute couture. As well as an unique design designer collections have a higher quality and finish.


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