Algorithms have been a part of our lives for a long time, they are in almost all the applications that we use in our day to day. Google is a company that has a spectacular development in these aspects, as shown in the results obtained by the cameras of its terminals without having the latest generation sensors

But they not only have algorithms for their terminals or for display utilities like the one they taught at Google I / O when talking to a planet . They are also involved in the development of algorithms for health and the most interesting thing is that they are going to use the data of real patients to develop them .

This will be possible thanks to the contract that Google has signed with HCA Healthcare Inc, a US healthcare operator . What is intended is that Google develop algorithms that facilitate interaction between patients and the medical team, it has not been specified to what extent or the level of specialization of these algorithms .

Of course, this is the first time that Google enters the world of health. In the past we saw the company with a secret project called “Project Nightingale” and that did not finish coming to light, the only thing that was known was that the company with which it had this was Ascension.

In addition, they will try to create tools that facilitate the development of tests and their respective analyzes. The funny thing about this whole thing is that patients will not have to give their explicit consent for Google to access their data , since the health laws of the United States allow the data to be shared with partners of medical companies.

It will be interesting to see how HCA Healthcare Inc. applies all the algorithms developed by Google in the future , but at the same time this may open the door for different software companies to close deals with other healthcare companies. It is possible that in a few years we will see applications of the algorithms to the health system Google will use real patient data to develop medical algorithms .