GTA San Andreas cheat : Keys and tricks with pedestrians in GTA San Andreas
Enter any of these keys while you are playing GTA San Andreas to get tricks and make pedestrians do strange things:
Keys and pedestrian tricks
FOOOXFT : All pedestrians have weapons
BGLUAWML : Pedestrians attack you with weapons and missile launchers … almost nothing!
YLTEICZ : Aggressive driving . People and drivers get violent
AJLOJYQY : Pedestrians go crazy and fight each other
BAGOWPG : Bounty for your head. You will be followed … by a bounty hunter!
SJMAHPE : Recruit everyone, in fact anyone with guns can be from the band
ZSOXFSQ or ROCKETMAYHEM : Recruit pedestrians! Everyone follows you … and even with rockets
BEKKNQV : You will be a magnet for women and prostitutes in the game