How do I delete an Instagram account

    How do I delete an Instagram account

    Instagram is a social media plate form just like Facebook. Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks in the world. About billions of people used this app. It is also the biggest online community, behind Facebook, messenger, and WhatsApp. Instagram is the third-largest social network in the world, And the second largest in North America removing dedicated messaging apps.

    Instagram is a good entertaining app, but this is a fact sometimes you want to disconnect from social media platforms. Because of spend too much time on social media and have less focus on their personal lives. Peoples want to delete social media apps because they give less attention to their personal life that’s why they want to delete their Instagram account. Some people save privacy issues.

    To delete your Instagram account seems like it’s a major step. But if you want this then you will do this for your comfort.

    How to delete

    It’s easy to delete your Instagram account. I will guide you through the whole process in a very easy way. But when you delete your account you need to save your all videos, photos likes, and comments. How to save your account data:

    Before deleting your Instagram account you kept in mind that all your data will also be deleted. So, you should save all your data. Your photos, pictures, likes, and comments. When you delete your account, Instagram will delete all the data from it. Follow these steps to save your account data:

    • Open the Instagram and tab on the left-lower side corner of your profile icon.
    • Tab on the three vertical lines on the right-upper corner, and then tab the settings below:
    • Select security from your setting, then find the download data
    • By providing your email address, tab request download

    Within 48 hours Instagram will send you to complete file of your data. It contains all your information like photos, comments, links, profile information, and other useful information which may be needed in the future, you have access to all these things. But if you delete your account without downloading all the information whatever your hard work you do but you never access them again in the future.

    How do you permanently delete your account:

    When you save your data now, it’s too easy to delete your Instagram account. Instagram will show you two options; to permanently delete your account in which you delete all the information of your account and to temporarily delete your account. Temporary deleting your account you’re in which your all information will never be shown to your friends and followers. Your all information will be hidden.

    How do I delete an Instagram account
    How do I delete an Instagram account

    Permanently delete your account

    • Go to the delete your account page, on your browser
    • From the drop-down menu select a reason why you delete this account
    • Re-enter your password, and tab on delete Now, your account will be deleted permanently

     Temporary disabled your account:

    If you don’t want to delete your account permanently, but you temporary need some break and disabled your account for some time. By temporarily deleting your account, your profile information and your data will not be shown to anyone anymore. Your data will be hidden from other people. But when you want to reactivate your account you easily reactivate and use your account.

    Final words:

    In this article, I have discussed how to delete your Instagram account, deleting your Instagram account is good if you want to give some time to yourself. But if you just need a break for some time then a temporary deactivation account is also a good option if you are looking away for a while. If something I miss in this article, let me know in the comments. I will put it in my article.

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