How to calculate the engagement rate in social networks

How to calculate the engagement rate in social networks

Know if social media posts are effective with your audience

How to calculate the engagement rate in social networks


What is engagement ?

Engagement is the commitment of customers directed towards the brand through different channels and the measurement of the content strategy.

This is one of the main factors of Digital Marketing of content and social networks, it is the consequence of the interaction and links of the brand with its audiences. Through it, users reflect the degree of approval of the contents, which causes connection, evidence of values, identification and frequency of interest at the time of participating with the publications.

The engagement rate is the participation rate for the interactions obtained in relation to the number of times a content has been viewed, becoming potential above others, in that way the publication with the greatest reach will be the one that you will take as a reference in relation to future creations. 

What is the engagement rate?

The engagement rate above 10% is counted as good, however the organizations that are within 3 and 5% are not bad, but each growth factor in the percentage depends on different processes. For instance; the change of content, the change of themes, target audiences and intended messages, these have a direct effect on the metrics. That is why the most successful publications are within the 25 and 35% engagement rate.

Experts mention that having loyal users is essential, since over time these users become brand advocates. Of course it is important to promote loyalty since you will get an audience engaged in defending and referring the brand. 

What are the benefits of engagement? 

Good engagement serves to create a digital community of followers and potential customers who have an interest in the brand, products and services you offer, generating connection with the brand. Learn how to increase engagement on social media .

  • The Instagram algorithm, like that of other social networks, prioritizes content that generates high engagement rates in a short time. 
  • Social networks are the platforms in which the user resorts to clearing up doubts, requesting information or exchanging comments, in this way, trust links are created. 
  • By generating valuable content focused on the potential audience, users increase trust that translates into reputation, loyal customers and lovemark . 

A common misconception about engagement rate is 

Attribute the merit of calling them only one-way information exchange channels when they are more than a space on the web. This focuses on providing personalized experiences regarding what the audience is looking for. This means interacting with the content and not just publishing it, for a reason they are called social platforms. 

How to get engagement in social networks? 

In order to be able to relate to the public, the content will depend on the people to whom it is directed. That’s right, starting with the target is the key to creating engagement. From there, we can start with the ideation of the content to be published and the reactions that are expected to be obtained in order to establish a correct plan in social networks. 

There are different formulas to measure engagement, this depends on social media metrics, such as reactions on Facebook, which are “I like”, I love it, it amuses me, it amazes me, it saddens me and it annoys me; Comments are also an important part of calculating the level of engagement we are getting with a publication and its shares. 

At the same time, click metrics are also part of the level of engagement because they count as part of the interaction. These metrics are; number of views and link clicks There are different measurement metrics for each social network: 

  • Facebook: Likes , comments, and reach on posts
  • Instagram: Likes in posts, brand mentions and comments.
  • Twitter: Brand mentions, retweets, and favorites on retweets
  • Youtube: I like you , I do n’t like you , comments, views, shared favorite videos. 

The most used formulas are:

  • Interaction and reach: It allows to know the reach in number of people who saw the publication. 
  • Interaction and followers: It allows to know the reach achieved based on the number of fans on the page. 
  • Interactions by impressions: It shows the degree of importance of the publications, for example a retweet and a favorite are not the same at the same time, the comment is worth more than these two. 

How to calculate engagement rate? 

  • Sum the interactions: likes, comments, shares, retweets of a publication, etc. For example: in a post 140 likes and 22 comments were obtained, you must add these amounts and obtain the result of

140 + 22 = 162 

  • Then you need to take that number and divide it by the number of users who viewed the post (reach). 

Likes + comments and saved: The 3 factors are added and multiplied by 100.

We do not have exactly which one is the best but we do assure you that applying it will make a difference with other accounts and as we mentioned the normal thing is to be between 3% and 6%, if in case the number of your metric is lower, do not worry. You should focus on making preferred content for the target audience. 

How to calculate engagement rate on Instagram? 

When we talk about engagement as we mentioned it, it is the user’s commitment to the brand. Therefore, it is not the number of followers you have, but the audience’s involvement with the content. So far you already know that provoking interest arises from the content theme that you provide, the more focused the information of the publications is with the recipients. The greater scope you will have. 

Metrics on Instagram:

  • Interactions: These are all the actions that direct the user to the posts of the social network. For this, it is important to keep track of interactions because it allows to know the degree of involvement of the audience with the publications. 
  • Followers: Observing the frequency with which you increase followers is an indicator of the level of relevance with which your page is interpreted. 
  • I like you: The most used and recognized factor to measure engagement, pointing to comparisons with other posts. 
  • Comments: They serve to measure the degree of commitment and empathy of the followers, since commenting on something takes time and that is why they are the factors with the greatest solidity in the engagement rate. 
  • Hashtags: The use of popular hashtags enriches the number of reach and visits of the publications. In social networks these work as keywords to optimize the search. 

Calculating engagement rate on Facebook?

Linear engagement : It is a simple formula, where the interactions between the scope of the post are added. For this, the likes , comments, shares are related and we divide it by the reach obtained. 

Weighted Engagement: This formula seeks to correct and improve the previous one, since a like does not have the same value as a comment, as we mentioned. Know if your Facebook campaigns are having the desired impact.

Sure that everything read is complicated to understand or execute, to start it we recommend organizing the information in a database. Inside you will have digitized the likes , comments and shares. 

That is why engagement goes hand in hand with the interaction that causes the correct management of content in social networks and its purpose is to know the investment affectivity in each publication.

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