How to draw a mountain?

How to draw a mountain?

Among all the landscapes that can be drawn, there are the most impressive: the mountains! Pyrenees, Sierra Nevada and, why not, the Himalayas. Drawing mountains is very relaxing. The peaceful atmosphere of the peaks soothes the artists.

Tips for drawing mountains
Do you need fresh air? Go draw the mountains!

But how can all these mountains be drawn?

It is not necessary to go to Everest to draw the most beautiful mountains . Many cartoonists choose to  draw from photos they find on the Internet, in magazines or books. Using these models is very practical, since you can take them everywhere.

To find them, you can search on social media like Pinterest or Instagram, as many photographers and other artists showcase their most beautiful images.

Of course, it is best to  immerse yourself in nature to draw the landscape that you have before your eyes. To do this, you can take advantage of your vacation to go to the mountains or take a course in naturalistic drawing. In this case, a mountain guide and a professional draftsman will accompany you and give you the best tips to draw the different landscapes that appear before your eyes. These courses are usually organized in groups.

To draw mountains, any drawing technique can be used. Everything will depend on the final representation you want to give your masterpiece. Some artists prefer to draw everything with graphite, while others prefer oil paint. However, keep in mind that, if you are going to go on a mountain excursion, it will be very difficult to carry a canvas and an easel to paint the landscape.

Most traveling artists decide to  use watercolor for their illustrations , as they sell small transportable pallets and you can paint with brushes with a water tank to avoid the hassle of taking a jar of water with you. But again, you can use whatever drawing technique you prefer (pastels, charcoal, wash, etc.).

Begin to sketch the mountain with a graphite pencil and an eraser. During this first phase of drawing, the goal is to draw the general outlines by drawing the shapes of the mountains.

Then you have  to highlight the mountains . You can do it with shading or by coloring the shadow areas of the mountains with graphite pencils if you do not want to color your drawing. If you want to color the drawing, you can use the different colors to darken the deeper areas of the mountains.

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