How to insert an image in PHP

How to insert an image in PHP

The PHP language offers many functionalities. And although it is widely used to generate web pages via HTML or otherwise, it is also possible to encode images, text, etc. In this way it is possible to  integrate an image into a web page , but how?

To do this, you need to use multiple functions and follow a process. First, to indicate to the server that the element entered is not a web page but an image, we must start with  indicating the header .

How to add an image in PHP
The PHP language is a set of lines of algorithmic code.

Therefore, the  header function  is adequate to carry out this operation. By writing “header” at the beginning of the line of code, the server will know to process an image, but that is not enough. Also add this element: (“Content-type: image / jpeg”).

In this case,  the image is in JPG  but it could have another format such as PNG . If that’s the case, just replace the last three letters.

But this line of code is not enough to indicate which image you want the server to process, so you have to add a second line, with a new function. You must write the function “imagecreatefromjpg” or “imagecreatefrompng” followed by the name of the photo you have saved. The line must also contain  the notion of variability using this formula : “$ image =”, which indicates that the image can change.

Finally, for the image to appear on the corresponding website, all you need is the command that makes the server understand what you want to do. To do this, the line must include the “imagejpg” or “imagepng” function.

To give you an idea of ​​how it looks, here is a typical example of the lines of code to write:

<? php
header (“Content-type: image / jpeg”);
$ image = imagecreatefromjpeg (“myphoto.jpg”);
imagejpg ($ image);

If you don’t want the image to appear directly on the website, but to keep it in a file, you must replace the last line with a code with the name of the photo and the destination file :

imagejpg ($ image); (“Myfotos / myifoto.jpg”);

Your photo is ready! How to insert an image in PHP

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