How to learn Mandarin in a fun way?

How to learn Mandarin in a fun way?

The biggest problem for many people is spending time on things they don’t like. Learning Chinese is not easy at first, so it’s no wonder we ask ourselves: why am I going to spend time getting bored every day?
At Superprof we have thought of a series of tips so that you do not neglect your learning and to make it enjoyable for you.

Here they are

Take advantage of traffic jams to learn while you are behind the wheel.
If you don’t have a car and use public transport, learn Mandarin through podcasts.
Listen to the radio in Chinese when you go jogging or to the gym.


Now that you have made a space to learn Mandarin, what is so fun about it?

You have to find a way to make your learning times fun.
We may like to learn a new language and that is why we have selected four ways to enjoy the process:
Find a private teacher who will make you laugh and have a good time.
Watch movies to immerse yourself in the culture and language. We recommend Lost In Thailand, a feature film with disconcerting rhythms that tells the story of three Chinese who find themselves under the Thai sun.
Improve your understanding of the language with songs. For this, you can use pages like Chino-china.
Use the Ninchanese app to learn Mandarin in the video game universe.

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