How to learn the Arabic alphabet?

How to learn the Arabic alphabet?

A language is an association of sounds and phonemes, it is linked to its alphabet, even if it is implicitly.
Since before the invention of writing in Mesopotamia, a milestone that marks the passage from Prehistory to history, orality itself assumed a certain alphabet.
The Arabic alphabet, a very ancient language, has 28 letters.
Philologists today are unanimous in considering that it comes from the Aramaic alphabet (close to today’s Syrian), created from the Phoenician alphabet, which inspired the Greeks.
However, in this distant brotherhood there are few similarities … It is the least we can say!
To be more exact, the Nabataean – branch of the Aramaic of which inscriptions dating back 2,500 years have been found – would have originated the Arabic alphabet around the fourth century after JC
Be that as it may, the oldest document in Arabic script proper dates from 512: it is the Zabad inscription.
Literary Arabic is Koranic Arabic, so it is logical that its alphabet was fixed with the Koran in the 7th century AD , at the time of Muhammad. To express all possible nuances, Arabic supplanted the 22 letters of Aramaic: 6 new spellings were added to form the current Arabic alphabet.
These “new” letters, by tradition, are associated with small signs (dots) to differentiate them from the “classic” letters.
It is at the same moment in which the Arabic figures appear, with the zero, that it knows a planetary success.
Those who wish to master Arabic should know that each letter has 3 declensions , depending on whether they are:
At the beginning or end of the sentence,
in the middle or isolated.
Pages such as Al-Dirassa, Maqsoud, Al Madrasa or Easy Classroom, will allow you to overcome all these difficulties and assimilate all the subtleties of the Qur’anic alphabet. How to learn the Arabic alphabet?

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