How to make Facebook ADS?

How to make Facebook ADS?

Follow these steps and learn how to use Facebook Ads to publish on Facebook and Instagram effectively

How to make Facebook ADS?


Facebook Ads is the advertising platform with which you can launch advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. This space allows users to carry out adequate segmentation on both networks and quite specific. But also, with Facebook Ads you can do remarketing and control the investment limit you want to make for advertising. Today and in the midst of such accelerated digitization, advertising on networks has multiplied, especially when it comes to new brands that are becoming known.

In this section we want to teach you how to do Facebook Ads properly, from how to properly create an advertising account on Facebook to how to properly define your audience. Because sometimes people consider that their content should be aimed at everyone, but without a clear niche, your advertising will reach the wrong people and it may not generate conversion.

How do you create an advertising account on Facebook Ads? 

1➤First you must access Facebook Business and after you open the page you will go to the  “Create ad” button.

2➤ The next step will be for you to enter your Facebook user data for the page or to create a new account. This step is important, because if you do it with your personal data, you must ensure that you have access to the page where you want to apply the advertising. 

3➤Then it will show you an ad manager where you can view the statistics, the content you have been sharing and access to all the advertising accounts you have with that user.

Once inside Facebook will also ask you to choose a payment method, credit card, debit card or even make the payment in cash at a bank. This part is not limited. After that you can start making your ad from the same page, because Facebook will also suggest certain content that according to them can help you reach more people. But before you do it, it is important that you know the following concepts.

How do I create a Facebook banner ad? 

You can create it from the Facebook Business page, or if you already have a defined audience you can do it directly from any publication they have on your Facebook account. But before starting to publish it, it is necessary that:

✔Choose a clear objective, define your ideal buyer person or client, so that in this way you know who your content is directed to. 

✔ Segment properly, make sure you choose your audience correctly. Once you are clear about who your ideal client is, also mold them with certain attitudes in the networks, it was specified with things like: People who have interacted with publications equal to mine, people who have asked similar accounts. 

✔ Put a geolocation to your location and make sure it is consistent with what you want. That is, do not cover so much range, if your product or service will not be able to meet those expectations. 

✔ The clearer you are, the better, forget about such general features. The more specific you are with your audience, the better, set a certain age and tastes. 

✔ Set a budget and choose the deadline for the ad , on Facebook you can set how many days you want your publication to be rolling and based on that your budget will be adjusted. You can also set a limit.

✔ Choose a suitable ad, although Facebook is in charge of telling you if your content will be successful or not, you should avoid it. Use images with a lot of text, pixelated photos or videos with poor quality.

How to create optimized Facebook Ads campaigns? 

To start creating effective strategies, you need to know how to make good content. With good content we mean content that makes people react, but above all that is aimed at the ideal customers. The right people are more likely to react to your content if it teaches them something new, supports some kind of thought, makes them laugh or cry. If your content does not generate any emotion in the user, it is most likely that the return will not be so satisfactory for you.

The next thing you should do is segmentation, as a company or brand you must already have certain objectives. Among them, include the people you consider could buy your product, so segmentation is one of the most important steps for the effectiveness of Facebook Ads. There is nothing better than being timely, reaching the right people and at the right time. You can do this if you know how old he is, what he likes and what he usually does on these social networks where he wants to advertise. 

Finally, create appropriate ads, with eye-catching titles that not only encourage sales. One of the best things Facebook Ads will allow you is to connect with other people and due to changes in the Facebook algorithm, this reach is organically very low. Therefore, doing it this way, at least in this social network is the fastest and most accessible. But like everything, it’s not about paying and that’s it, you have to do a good job to grow. 

Types of audiences that you will find in Facebook Ads

➤ Saved audiences: They will be all those audiences that you customize in all your campaigns. Facebook saves them and invites you to use it if you are going to carry out a similar campaign. In addition to saving you time, you can see if that segmentation was really useful or not. 

➤ Similar audiences Facebook also creates your audience after seeing the type of content you share. It helps those in charge of this area to enhance the reach of their campaigns with a mix between the saved public and the one that he considers might like our service, according to his algorithm. 

➤ Personalized audiences (they are the most recommended if you know who you are talking to): This will be the audience that, through certain features, you segment on Facebook. But they are also born from the list of visitors to your page on Facebook and who in some way or another have had contact with you. 

All this content you must put into practice, another variant within this world of Facebook Ads is that it will always be a trial and error until you find the correct formula for your company or brand. Remember something Facebook and Instagram somehow wants you to sell, so also learn to trust the different tools and tips that Facebook Ads gives to your account.

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