How to pass the German selectivity exam

How to pass the German selectivity exam

If you have encouraged to study German at the institute, you will have to pass the language selectivity exam at the end of the 2nd year to be able to access the degree you want to pursue. But before you start studying for selectivity and take the exam, you have to know how the test is structured and how to pass it .

Understanding the text: How to pass the German selectivity exam

The exam begins with a text, not excessively long, of about  250-300 words . By coming headed with a title, before we start reading, we can get used to the idea about the subject that it will deal with.
Two test options are offered in most communities  , both with the same format.
Here are some tips to get through this part:
Stay informed. You must be up to date with what is happening in the world. It is not the same that you read about a topic that you are aware of, than reading something when you have no idea what it is about.
Vocabulary . If you know the subject, it will not be so difficult to figure out some of the most difficult words in the text. Obviously, this does not imply that you have to know all the words, but if you know the topic it is about, it will be easier to fill in the  gaps due to lack of vocabulary .
Practice, practice, and more practice. It is true that the German subject is not like others in which you have to spend hours and hours of study. But you have to devote time  to  work comprehension and written expression.  If not, how can you detect your weak points? Well the answer is simple: with practice!

Text comprehension questions: How to pass the German selectivity exam

The first exercise consists of  answering a couple of questions  in German  about the text you have chosen to show that you have understood its content.
You must  use your own words  if you want to get the full score. Therefore, do not copy directly and try to change something by using synonyms, flipping or paraphrasing the author.
True or false questions
These are usually four sentences that you must indicate if they are true or false based on the text. In this part, you do have to copy the evidence, that is, the part of the text on which you rely to answer true or false. We will copy quotation marks.
Be careful: the evidence will never be a whole paragraph, but it is usually a sentence or two; do not make mistakes copying ; and write in parentheses the line (s) of the text where the examiner can find it.

Synonyms / antonyms questions or to find out the meaning

This exercise varies depending on the autonomous community.
Synonyms / antonyms . We must be observant because we may have the answer in the text itself.
Meaning . Take a look at the context and venture to infer its meaning.
Writing a text
The last part of the exam consists of  writing a text  of a certain number of words. This number varies by community, but is typically around  100-150 words . They usually propose two options. Among which are:
Advantages and disadvantages of …

Give your opinion on a topic

Write an  email  or a letter. Be very careful if they ask you to be formal because it requires following certain conventions.
Practice writing at home so you don’t go blank on test day.
Write clearly and simply . If you are not good at this part, we recommend that you squeeze the text of the exam. We do not mean that you copy, but you can use the vocabulary that appears by writing with structures that you know.
Lastly,  check the exam . Any mistake subtracts points.
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