How to practice Italian at home with your children
You want your children to learn Italian but you must get involved too. If any of the people you take care of and are with the children is Italian, always speak to them in Italian! If that person is you and your mother tongue is Italian, what better way for them to learn Italian thanks to you?
It is true that when we emigrate to a country and we are the only ones to speak a language, it becomes increasingly difficult for us to try to communicate in that language. Our partner or the people we live with do not speak Italian, our children begin to speak and they do not speak in Italian, we do not have many Italian friends or relatives wherever we are … in the end we do not have anyone to speak to in our language.
Do not despair and above all, do not throw in the towel. If you have spoken in Italian to your children since their birth, do not stop doing it even if they answer you in another language. The time will come when they answer you in Italian or communicate with each other in that language.
If you are not the person who is Italian or who is fluent in Italian, learn with the children!
Animated Movies in Italian: How to practice Italian at home with your children
Have you already taught him all the Disney classics in Spanish? Now play in Italian! Biancaneve ei sette nani, Pinocchio, Dumbo – The Flying Elephant, Bambi, Cenerentola, Alice nel Paese delle Maraviglie, La avventure di Peter Pan, La bella addormentata nel bosco, Il libro della giungla, Gli Aristogatti, Basil l’investigatopo, La sirenetta, Beauty and the beast, Il re leone, Il gobbo di Notre Dame, Koda, fratello orso, Frozen – Il regno di ghiaccio …
Marie, the middle sister of the Aristocats.
Of course, the great Pixar classics are also a must: Alla ricerca di Nemo, Gli Incredibili, Alla ricerca di Dory, Coco … As well as other Walt Disney Pictures productions such as In viaggio with Pippo, James and the Giant Fishing, Buzz Lightyear gives Comando Stellare – Yes part !, Pimpi, piccolo grande eroe, Gnomeo and Giulietta …
If your children are older and are already moving from cartoons, Disney classics in real action are a safe bet: L’isola del tesoro, Robin Hood ei compagni della foresta, La sfida di Zorro, Un maggiolino tutto matto, Bernardo, cane ladro e bugiardo, Popeye – Braccio di Ferro, Mai gridare al lupo, Un magico natale, Nel fantastico mondo di Oz, Heidi, George re della giungla …?, La maledizione della prima luna, La casa dei fantasmi, Le cronache di Narnia, Maleficent – The secret of the beautiful addormentata …
Ideal for rainy afternoons or times when you need the children to be entertained.
Italian or Italian cartoons: How to practice Italian at home with your children
Search cartoni animati on Google and you will find dozens of cartoon videos in Italian. Try what your little ones like the most: you can put an Italian cartoon on it or put in Italian some of the cartoons that your child already watches regularly.
Among the cartoons that are broadcast in Spanish and in Italian we have Peppa Pig, Pocoyo, Teletubbies, Curioso come Geroge Salvate (Curious George), Tom & Jerry, Conan, il ragazzo del futuro (Conan, the boy from the future), Geronimo Stilton …
How many memories these images bring us!
As for properly Italian cartoons and in the original Italian version, we recommend Lupo Alberto, Le straordinarie avventure di Jules Verne, Angel’s Friends, PopPixie, Sandokan – La tigre della Malesia, Tommy & Oscar, Teen Days, Mr. Hiccup, Gormiti Nature Unleashed …
Children’s and youth songs in Italian: How to practice Italian at home with your children
One of the best ways to learn a language is through music. Many begin to be interested in a language when they meet a singer and like the music he produces in a certain language. On the other hand, who does not remember those songs that were repeated to us as children and that we repeated until we fell asleep.
On the other hand, it is a way to create a bond with your children. Sing together and share those moments that will remain etched in your retina for life. When you grow up, both you and they will remember them with longing when listening to the songs.
In Italy there is a well-known event that awards children’s song productions: the Zecchino d’Oro. It is also an international exhibition of artistically elaborated children’s songs with an ethical, civic or social basis.
The winner of the 2015 Zecchino d’Oro was the song Prendi un’emozione , by the singer Greta Cacciolo:
Certe volte il viso changes color
Ed il cuore turns on velocità
Nella pancia c’è qualcosa di strano
Non è fame, ma chissà che sarà
Sew che ti fanno rabbrividire
Or you mettono a fifa blu
Un saluto che ti fa balbettare
Risatine che non smettono più
Non Riesci is succeeded to Stare Fermo
Aspettando qualche novità
Be la mouth più non smette di parlare
Quand scoppi per la congratulations
I turned on an’emozione
Chiamala per nome
Trova il suo colore e che suona fa
Prep per hand
Keep up the piano
Senti come nasce, guarda dove va
Prendi un’emozione e non mardarla via
Se ci vuoi giocare, fai change with mine
Puoi spiegarla a chi non la sa
E tutta la tua vita vedrai
Un’emozione sarà
Do not hesitate to consult other famous titles in Italy such as My scappa la pipì, papà ; Il leone si è addormentato or Il caffè della Peppina.
Italian tales
As in the previous sections, the great classics have also been translated into Italian. If you like to buy these types of books for your children, you can alternate between Spanish versions and Italian versions.
Here are some titles of children’s stories: Cappuccetto Rosso, I tre porcellini, Il gatto con gli stivali, La principessa sul pisello, Pollicino, Pinocchio, La volpe e l’uva, Raperonzolo …
If the bookstore in your area has Italian books or you have ways to get them, feel free to also get hold of the stories that all the little Italians know. We present you here a compilation of tales and traditions of Italian folklore. In addition to learning the Italian language, with this book you will learn about Italian culture and the regional characteristics of the different areas. The book is titled Fiabe italiane , by Italo Calvino.
Reading feeds the soul.
If your child is not so young, we also leave you some of the most widely read titles in Italian youth literature: I guardiani del fiume , U lysses Moore or La Strada del Guerriero , works by Pierdomenico Baccalario; Il romanzo d’una maestra, La fanciulla massaia, Memorie di un pulcino o Treves , by Ida Baccini; La vita militare, Amore e ginnastica, Cuore o Gli Amici , by Edmondo De Amicis.
Likewise, we cannot finish this publication without putting the great titles of Italian literature. They are works that every teenager studies in high school in the subject of Italian language and literature. In the same way, if you are a learner of Italian and its culture, these are basic readings to understand the country of pizza.
However, these are complex and sometimes difficult works for Italians themselves to understand, so don’t dive into these books if you don’t have a sufficient level of Italian. A good way to read them so as not to lose detail can also be the bilingual editions. Therefore, we highlight : Il nome della rosa (Umberto Eco), La conscienza di Zeno (Italo Stevo), Divina commedia (Dante Alighieri) or I promessi sposi (Alessandro Manzoni).
Italian music
Of course not! Cooking, cleaning, showering … that the music does not stop. Classic or modern songs, music is always a good way to learn a language and its culture.
Among the classics, we can name many well-known singers who also conquered the Spanish public: Raffaella Carrá, Sabrina Salerno, Tiziano Ferro, Romina and Al Bano …
Laura Pausini, Eros Ramazzotti, Il volo, Nina Zilli continue to develop their professional careers in music and the Eurovisives Mahmood or Francesco Gabanni, Diodato or rapper Fedez are on the rise.
Laura Pausini, Italian singer well known in Spain.
Without a doubt, learning a new language is discovering a new world. Always make your children discover as many worlds and realities as possible.