How to use social networks in the purchase cycle for more conversions?

How to use social networks in the purchase cycle for more conversions?

If you have thousands of interactions on social networks, but you do not generate leads, you are doing something wrong

How to use social networks in the purchase cycle for more conversions?


Although digital marketing has gained ground in Peru and the management of social networks for companies is in its golden years, we continue to measure the performance of our digital actions with basic popularity metrics. 

We place so much value on the number of  likes, shares and comments, that we neglect the true objective of the Social Media strategy: to generate sales opportunities. 

According to Forbes data , 55% of B2B consumers start their research on social media. And 78% recognize that they decide to buy thanks to the company’s publications.

That is the basis of Inbound Marketing, a method that prioritizes conversions and concentrates efforts on increasing return on investment (ROI).

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use social networks as conversion tools. Interactions are important to the extent that they translate into qualified traffic to our website, which is where the purchase cycle begins and unfolds. 

Now we get to the important thing: How do I manage social networks to attract and convert strangers into potential clients? We will explain the answer stage by stage.

Stage I: Recognition

Our main objective in the recognition stage is to attract prospects.

As we have mentioned in our article on the purchase decision process , at this time the user is only aware that they have a problem and tries to name it. 

The ideal in this case is to share blog content that solves those concerns and turns the user into a potential client. For this we need to develop good copies, work with attractive images and have a very clear call to action. 

The mission of that publication or ad on social networks is to drive qualified traffic to the website, where the purchase cycle will begin. 

This is how we work with the Rimac company, specifically in its project I take care of myself. And it has given us excellent results.

social networks for companies

Stage II: Consideration

The role of social media for companies during the consideration stage is to keep the attention of potential customers. A user who studies his alternatives requires constant feedback on all dimensions of the product or service. 

So we will work with publications that present our proposal in a very educational tone. Using words like “solution”, “tool”, “supplier” or any other that highlights the differential value of the brand. 

The important thing in this case is not to encourage the sale. 

III Stage: Decision

At this point, we have built a connection with the potential client, which allows us to move to the next stage. You will be able to notice it because their searches are more punctual and with a tendency to buy. 

So our job, through social networks for companies, is to promote our value offer. That BOFU benefit that we define in the conversion paths, which can be a free consultation or a personalized quote.

For example, in Yo me cuido we offer an ebook as a final offer, called Emergency Family Plan. 


✔ Social interactions are important. The Google algorithm considers them for organic content positioning (SEO). So the power of like is indisputable.

✔ However, we must not forget that social networks for companies were created with one goal: to attract customers . If we have millions of interactions, but not 2% buy our product, then we are doing something wrong.

✔ Likewise, social networks for companies receive a lot of inquiries from users who become clients very quickly. In this regard, each company profile must respond strategically to the needs of the community, to take advantage of the opportunities for successful closings. 

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