Is it necessary to update the mobile software? We answer your questions

Is it necessary to update the mobile software? We answer your questions

The smartphone has become one more extension of our body, most people have at least one and from a very early age, young people live with these devices. Still, practically no one is aware of the number of changes that exist in operating systems and their functionality. That is why today we will try to give our opinion on the need to update the mobile software .

To begin with, it should be noted that updating the software of any device has a clear functionality. By this I mean that despite how unaccustomed we are to changes, the vast majority of them are completely necessary. On the contrary, there are others that are limited to making changes in the visual aspect of the functions of your phone. The reasons that can lead a company to update the software of its products are therefore very varied and meet different needs in which we must delve more directly.

The latest Android update has been announced, but the objective is not to focus on one of the improvements, but to know in a general way what are the changes that are usually carried out by telephone brands. But if you want to know the changes that your smartphone is going to experience, you can see our review on what’s new in Android 10 .

Why should the mobile software be updated?: Is it necessary to update the mobile software? We answer your questions

In the first place, as the most relevant change when updating your phone’s software, is the improvement of security . Operating systems advance, but not only those that seek to facilitate and improve the use of a device, but also those that try to obtain information from them in more or less lawful ways. There are viruses that can make you lose all your data, but there are also hacks that do not make illegal use of their programs to, for example, position themselves better in the rankings of the web, such as SEO Blackhats. For this reason, companies fight not to make their software obsolete and at the mercy of these types of tools.

To improve security, better software is not only recommended, but we also recommend updating the versions of the different search engines that are used regularly on the mobile phone, in addition to taking the pertinent measures when accessing web pages that do not seem completely safe. Regarding the security of electronic information, any measure is little, but you should not be overwhelmed either, by complying with the basic measures your data will be safe.

Update mobile software

Security is key in phone software updates

But this update work is also done for other reasons, over the years the mobile phone may begin to have technical problems due to the need for improvements in its software. Keep in mind that applications also evolve and they take into account the updates of the operating systems that your smartphone handles, so sooner or later it will be necessary for you to execute this update.

Less necessary changes

There are always reasons that make us delay the decision to update mobile software, no matter how much the developers themselves recommend it. One of them is the change that some phone tools can undergo without improving their functionality. The camera, the sound reproduction systems or the multimedia filing cabinets often undergo changes, but when the user is already used to them it is difficult to see the need for updating. The real improvements to the tools, unfortunately, are usually focused on the phone model changes.

It may happen that an update in the software, with the aim of improving the functionality of the mobile phone, ends up resulting in a step backwards in advance. This was the case with iOS 13, which after its launch caused many problems for iPhone users, especially related to the battery. This led to many websites echoing the problem and starting to make recommendations to solve them . Apple did not take long to launch new updates but these types of problems are more frequent than they seem.

Finally there are those merely aesthetic updates , either in the main menu, or in specific tools such as settings, the camera or any other section of the mobile. These changes do not motivate you to update the mobile software, since they are rather unnecessary and force you to make a change in the way you use your new operating system.


We are lazy beings by nature and not all of us are used to changes. It may seem silly, since the mobile software is simply going to be updated, but as I have said before, it has become a part of ourselves. After this brief review of those more or less necessary changes made by telephone brands, a conclusion can be reached.

When deciding whether to update or not, you should read the patch notes that are going to run at that time . After doing this, if you have read something about security improvements, do not hesitate and update the software. If on the contrary, it does not mention security and you are happy with how your device is working, you can wait for the release of another version.

Our last recommendation is that if companies release improvements to their device software, it is usually because they are going to be an improvement. An iOS 13 case is not always going to happen so you must be careful not to make your device obsolete .

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