Learn professional English in an English-speaking country
Work in london: Learn professional English in an English-speaking country
¿ Why go to work in London ?
To be bilingual, the best solution is immersion in an English-speaking foreign country.
Despite the controversial Brexit, going to London to enrich yourself professionally and humanely is still possible and highly recommended.
Travel to London to become bilingual!
Be careful, before you go you have to prepare several things: Learn professional English in an English-speaking country
You have to leave with a certain level of English. If you are a beginner, you are going to lose yourself and you will have a hard time finding a job!
Find accommodation quickly . Staying in London is very difficult, check the ads or look for a shared flat.
Find out about the English health system: the National Health Service.
You have to have money saved: London life is great, but it comes at a cost!
When it comes to your job search, try to be methodical in finding your new company:
Make a list of your diplomas and skills.
Go to the companies in relation to your profile.
If you want to live up to date: Learn professional English in an English-speaking country
Find a job in the restaurant industry or in commerce to strengthen ties.
Give Spanish classes to English people who want to learn it to live in Madrid, for example.
Do not worry about your project, the main thing is that you manage to financially manage as soon as possible.
As for socializing, it will be very easy for you to meet a lot of people through your work, roommates or outings: the English are known for their innate sense of the party!
You will live a unique experience that will make you grow.
In addition, you will return with a professional experience that will allow you to stand out from the other candidates: you will be bilingual!
Your professional vocabulary will be perfect, your grammar irreproachable and your accent will cause a sensation. English will be your best ally to find a job.
Work in the United States
To learn all the linguistic turns of a language, there is nothing better than a stay abroad through total immersion.
Why not travel to San Francisco to become bilingual in business English?
If so many young students decide to go to the USA, it is for a reason: the trip to the USA allows to increase the level of professional English in no time, because you are immersed in the language of Shakespeare on a day-to-day basis.
Kseniya Yasinska, delegate of the Union of educational stays, explains:
«To have a reference, today there are European levels of competence that allow us to know where we stand (the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, effective since 2001 and which establishes six levels, from A1 to C2). It takes 30 hours in a school dedicated to teaching languages in Spain to have an average level. After a year in the US, you can have C1 level , even for people starting from scratch.
Working in the world’s leading economic power has undeniable linguistic advantages.
Indeed, working in North America allows:
Improve your level of English.
Discover a new culture.
Establish friendly relations with Americans and organize language exchanges.
Add an important experience to your CV.
Learn the familiar English used by natives.
Having colleagues who come from all over the world (the famous New York melting pot), and so on.
To work in the American business world , you have to know that the business English practiced there is different from “British English.”
For self-taught learning, W. Davis Folsom’s American Business Language: a Dictionary brings together all the American business jargon.
With a university diploma, an H1B visa application can be made , with a duration of three years, renewable up to six.
Work in australia
Going to work in the antipodes attracts thousands of people every year.
Australia, an island continent, is an excellent temporary host country for learning professional English.
Going there to look for work!
Sydney, economic capital of Australia, a paradise for bilinguals and beginners in English.
For € 315, those under 30 have the possibility of applying for the famous work-vacation program ( Working holiday visa ), which allows them to leave for up to 2 years to visit, travel and work at the same time to finance the trip.
Those who already have a good level of English and have highly qualified skills (in the web, technology, health, construction) can find very high paying jobs.
Going to work in Australia allows:
Learn English.
Be bilingual.
Make friends with other travelers from many countries (Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Germany, UK, New Zealand, Chile, Italy, etc.).
Enjoy an unforgettable experience.
Do a linguistic and cultural immersion.
Don’t feel like working for an English, American or Australian company? Don’t you pass any interviews because you have a good level of English?
Do not worry! You can always go to a host family, work in the mornings and go sightseeing in the afternoons. It is the so-called wwoofing . It is not on the farm that you can learn business English, but working with a native English-speaking farmer can also be a way to learn without abiding by the codes of business English.