Lessons from Elijah pdf

    Lessons from Elijah pdf

    Elijah One of the most striking things about Elijah is that he has no stated ancestry. This is quite unusual in the Old Testament. The Jews were very careful to record ancestry. This has led some scholars to suggest that he might even have been a Gentile. Others draw the parallel to Melchizedek, the priest of God with no ancestry, who is believed to be the pre-incarnate Christ. Lessons from Elijah pdf

    Therefore, Elijah is a prophet known for his unwavering tenacity. Sometimes the Christian journey is all about tenacity–the ability to stick to it in the face of every sign telling you to give up. Therefore we will spend the next several weeks looking at Elijah’s life and the lessons that we can learn from it.

    For the God’s provision looking? With that Elijah dealt. In the natural is against you trying to believe God when everything? As well Elijah faced that. To teach you an Old Testament prophet has anything you may not think, to share by a whirlwind must have something to heaven a man translated. And wrong, about how God honors his servants learn more about. Without the hard knocks the life experience his book offers.

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    Principle One

    We are expected to respond to God’s word even if that word requires something hard or difficult for us. Elijah is sent by God to speak a word of judgment to the king that there will be no water except at his word. The king may control the army but he has no power in heaven and heaven will only respond to Elijah’s word. In a farm economy, water is essential much like oil for us today. Elijah’s actions have far reaching implications. Elijah’s words provide no alternative action that the king can take to change what has been spoken. Responding to God’s word when it is a hard word is something both Elijah and the King are called to do. One gets it right, the other gets it wrong.

    Principle Two

    God is always in control of the outcome when we obey Him. Although what Elijah says gets him in trouble with the king, God provides a place for Elijah to go where he can receive all the provisions he needs. Elijah is called to practice continual obedience to God‘s voice. It is in listening to God that Elijah knows where to go. Pay special attention to the fact that it is ravens that bring Elijah food twice a day because ravens are birds of prey–they feed on everything and anything. The point is that God can use the most unlikely choices to be our source of blessing when we trust Him and obey Him. Also, by going to the place that God had directed him, Elijah is also assured of water by way of a brook.

    Principle Three

    Every material blessing is temporary. The brook dried up and the ravens stopped bringing food. The material blessings that Elijah received were not to last forever in that location less Elijah becomes too comfortable. It is the removal of temporary blessings that often get us moving again in the new direction God has for us. We should never get so excited over what God provides that we forget that God does not have to keep providing it that way. Ours is a call to faith where we are always listening to what God may be saying to us. The underlining principal is that our material blessings are not to be enjoyed alone for extended periods of time. As long as Elijah is at his current location alone, others can not be used to bless him neither can they benefit from what he has to offer. Remember there came a day when the manna ceased.

    Lessons from Elijah pdf
    Lessons from Elijah pdf

    Prophets and Prophecy Does God use natural disaster to punish a nation? It’s one of those questions which has come up more frequently in these days of science and understanding. After all, these are “natural” disasters – how could you see the hand of God in them? Do remember that this is his universe, sustained by his power. The reason that the “laws of nature” are the same today as yesterday is that HE is the same today as yesterday. The artwork reflects the artist. Perhaps you might remember the Northridge earthquake. I recall the sermons from the next two weeks. In the first sermon, our preacher mildly reproached those who thought God would use natural disaster to punish a nation; it was just one of those trials of life. The next week he pointed out that Northridge, the epicenter of the quake, was also the city in which over 95% of the world’s hard core pornography is physically produced.

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