Marketing on Tik Tok: Is it a safe bet?

Marketing on Tik Tok: Is it a safe bet?

The organic reach of Tik Tok is superior to that of other social networks

Marketing on Tik Tok: Is it a safe bet?


TikTok seemingly exploded out of nowhere to become one of the most popular apps in the world. To date, it has registered more than 1.5 billion downloads and most of the users are under 24 years old.

This social network consists of posting videos of 15 to 60 seconds. Its algorithm has a very good organic reach, which allows the content to go viral in minutes

It also segments the audience very precisely.

Should I incorporate Tik Tok into my marketing strategy?

If our target audience is in this social network, of course it suits us. Especially since the organic reach is very favorable for any campaign.

There are three main ways brands can market on TikTok.

  • ✔ Create your own channel and upload relevant videos 
  • ✔ Work with influencers to spread content to a wider audience
  • ✔ They can pay to advertise on TikTok

Although on the latter: it is too early for TikTok advertising. There is still no market like the one there is for YouTube. However, TikTok may become more popular over time.

What will I find on Tik Tok ?: Hashtag Challenges

Challenges are an essential feature of the Tik Tok community. Users love to take on a challenge and upload videos accordingly. These challenges are usually given a # tag name, so they are memorable and easy to find.

Brands can also encourage hashtag challenges on TikTok .

User generated content

This is a type of marketing that brands can build on from their own Tik Tok channel or, alternatively, work with influencers to encourage their followers to create user-generated content (UGC) that supports the brand in some way. .

Influencer Marketing: The Future of Tik Tok

All influencer marketing techniques work on Tik Tok. So if our product adapts to the audience of an influencer, we can coordinate a campaign with him. 

As always, the key to successful influencer marketing is setting appropriate goals, targeting a specific part of the buying funnel. Young TikTok announcers must be authentic with their followers for the campaign to be successful.

Low-budget, high-impact videos

Tik Tok users have little interest in working with professional cameras, flash, and other production equipment. To apply influencer marketing, we must trust them and let them develop the recording in their own way. Tik tokers are more interested in originality and fun than quality.

Advertising on Tik Tok

TikTok has experimented with advertising for the past year, but has yet to put in place any formal profit-sharing system. However, they are getting closer to the point where more people will be able to advertise on the platform. 

Possible types of ads include:

  • ✔ Brand acquisition
  • ✔ Built-in native video
  • ✔ Hashtag challenge
  • ✔ Snapchat style 2D lens filters for photos.


Tik Tok is a powerful organic, precise targeting and constantly growing platform that will definitely drive any marketing strategy, targeting teens and pre-teens.

However, it should be clarified that the recent launch of the application attracted a new audience of other ages and platforms (youtubers, television stars, artists and the like). So we must be very aware of the evolution of this social network.

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