Moss Book 2 will make you want to put on your PSVRs again and feel one with Quill

Moss Book 2 will make you want to put on your PSVRs again and feel one with Quill

Moss is one of those video games that makes sense of virtual reality. The way we interact with Quill, the way we move around the stage, and the very special relationship we came to build with our friend Quill, are those things that are not forgotten. Now comes the sequel and we really want to enjoy it.

The presentation video for Moss: Book II that was shown during the State of Play on July 8 was very revealing about the future of the game, especially what it wanted to improve on the original, improve and expand. I was able to chat with Josh Stiksma , director of the title, and he made it clear to me the fundamental element on which all his novelties orbit: ” weapons will be the great game changer and what we have focused on the most. There will be several weapons; but this is not it just means that they will serve to fight in different ways, they will also have a lot to do with platforms and puzzles (…). In addition, the growth of the character will occur thanks to them “. Speaking, he confirmed to me that it will be an approach inspired by what we know fromThe Legend of Zelda , in which the same tool is used to solve different problems, allows you to grow as a warrior and reach new places. So much so that it confirmed to me that while the first game was very linear, there will be a lot more flexibility here to explore and get off track . All this will serve to increase the duration of the original title, which was somewhat short.

Moss only lasted four hours, but in Book II “I assure you that you will spend much more time with Quill, although we still cannot talk about a definitive duration.” The entire original team from the first game is involved in this sequel; which is appreciated because the story of this one continues right where the previous one left it. The objective is to continue strengthening the links between the two main characters, the mouse and the player, starting from what has already been achieved with the first. They are still friends, they have a bond and, now, this union will continue to mature, which is reflected in the gameplay. To take the next step in your relationship, now the scale of the argument increases. The world is in danger. This will lead to a more dramatic story that will serve to give context to the game universe, meet new characters and much more in-depth with all the actors involved.

The idea of ​​having a double avatar is part of the goal of our game designKnowing this, I feared that something very important from the first game was going to be lost: its simplicity . Being a title with few mechanics and little playable evolution, all our attention and the weight of the experience fell on the relationship with the adorable and intrepid Quill. “With the weapons and with this new approach,” Josh explains, “we want to give Quill more autonomy, because he has a story, but you also have another to tell . The idea of ​​having a double avatar is part of the story . goal of our game design, and everything we’re adding is helping us move forward with that concept. ” And if the director made something clear to me, it is that this Book II wants to expand the heritage of the world that Polyarc has created.

Longer, less linear and with more weapons

Moss Book 2: Moss Book 2 will make you want to put your PSVR back on and feel one with Quill

Unfortunately, the director of Moss: Book II could not tell me anything about the new version of PSVR ; neither if he has used it nor if he has not; But that hasn’t stopped him or his team from working on the new level of immersion they wanted for their game, and reaching it . About that wonderful sensation of discovery of the original, Josh told me that the scenarios will be much more open, will be more worked and will have a level of detail such that they will make us believe that even “we can feel the cold . ” He spoke to me with great affection about a level in which the snow falls around us, a powerful temperature change occurs, and all the art and the engine of the game strive to make you feel cold, that you seem to notice it, out of sheer empathy, in your bones. So that “you feel transported to that environment.” And so that, after feeling the spaces at this level, we want to interact with the environment and use Quill’s weapons to discover what we cannot see with the naked eye.

It gives the impression that Polyarc wants to make Moss more than just a VR experienceTo all this will be added new ways of talking with our character that will go beyond high five with him, the presence of many more secrets than in the firstand new ways to find them exploring the scenery, as well as improved combat, puzzles and platforms thanks to new weapons. The truth is that it seems that Polyarc wants to make their Moss more than just a VR experience; They want to turn it into a title full of adventures with a lot of exploration, interesting fights and puzzles without forgetting what made the first one so special: the relationship of those two avatars and the way they communicate with each other. Of course, please, that Quill does not die at the end of the adventure, that whenever there is talk of emotions in a video game with an animal … For now, we do not have a release date, but it is a promising sequel.

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