Samsung Exynos 990 Announces With Major Improvements

Samsung Exynos 990 Announces With Major Improvements

Samsung is already preparing its major mobile launches for next year , although this does not mean that it has nothing to advance in these last months of 2019. For example, the new generation processors are undergoing an interesting renovation and the last to join the family is Samsung Exynos 990 .

Samsung Exynos 990 is a high-end processor that stands out for important improvements at the level of general performance in the devices, as well as support for screens with an update response of up to 120 Hz, camera of up to 108 megapixels, accompanying a new model of GPU, and logically compatibility with 5G connections, something that was already seen last September with the presentation of the Exynos 980 .

Features of Samsung Exynos 990: Samsung Exynos 990 Announces With Major Improvements

Samsung Exynos 990

Samsung Exynos 990 was officially presented on the last day

Reviewing essential specifications, this chipset will make use of a modem that until now had not been used by the South Korean firm, Exynos Modem 5123, which is manufactured in a 7-nanometer process and promises support for all frequencies used throughout the world. planet , as well as browsing speeds of up to 3 Gbps.

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In terms of power, an improvement of approximately 20% in relation to performance and power consumption is indicated when compared to the previous Exynos 9820 and Exynos 9825 models , although unfortunately no data on the frequency speed has been shared yet. the one that the eight available cores will work.

What can be confirmed is that the conformation of the processors will be divided into two high-power custom units, two other high-performance Cortex A76s and finally four Cortex-A55 units geared towards low energy consumption . It is also announced that this chipset will be capable of supporting up to three trillion operations per second.

To conclude, the efficiency and security tasks include a localized artificial intelligence system that means the processing of information on the same device and not through connectivity and use of servers. This will allow greater speed in certain tasks, such as facial recognition and scene detection.

Samsung Exynos 990 will begin its mass production from the end of this year , something that would give it time to say present as an alternative in the next Samsung Galaxy S11.

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