Sites specialized in Spanish as a foreign language

Sites specialized in Spanish as a foreign language

You can also practice and learn Spanish through the Internet. The online resources dedicated to ELE  are very rich and varied. If you are looking for didactic material, online Spanish lessons, training to become an Spanish teacher … discover our selection of the best websites dedicated to Spanish.
Learn Spanish : this page contains a collection of hundreds of free exercises to learn Spanish on the Internet: grammar, vocabulary, songs, reading, stories, videos, podcasts, etc. In addition, it contains a list of links to exercises in Spanish.
BBC – Languages ​​- Spanish : on this page, you will find the BBC Spanish lessons, starting from beginner level, with grammar, dictionaries, lessons, reports, audios, games … It also has resources for Spanish teachers.
Learn Spanish : you will find vocabulary and grammar notes for ELE students and a series of links to other pages. In addition, they have a section, adapted for students, dedicated to gastronomy with recipes, expressions and vocabulary.
Practice Spanish : is a site to improve your Spanish with real news, exercises, grammar and music. You can listen to the student station Radio FLE (Spanish Language Foundation). It has music videos of famous Spanish groups and singers. It is suitable for intermediate and advanced students.
HABLANDOdeELE : it is a platform for the teaching and learning of Spanish, which, thanks to the authorization of institutions, publishers and ELE centers, continues to grow day by day.
Spanishpodcast : it is a place where you can learn, improve or perfect your Spanish through its podcasts, its blog or the vocabulary section.
Discover the best online resources to learn Spanish as a foreign language.
Todoele : Todoele’s objective is to offer a space to collect, organize and share the resources and information that a teacher needs to develop their work, train and stay up-to-date. It currently has more than 10,800 members in more than 80 countries, which makes it the largest social network for Spanish teachers. If you are an ELE teacher, this network will be of great help to you. Sites specialized in Spanish as a foreign language

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