Stardew valley legendary fish

    Stardew valley legendary fish

    In the game, it’s hardest to catch the Stardew Legendary fish, to find them many have certain requirements. Then in Stardew Valley of the collections that players can complete, is a heft undertaking capturing every fish. In catch difficulty, each ranging, with 83 different species, of gameplay completing the collection can take players well past the first year. To this challenge to add, considered Legendary fish 5 of the species available, to catch them and a set requirements players must meet before they can set.

    Throughout the Stardew Valley map fish can be caught in many areas. In Lakes, rivers, ponds, the ocean species can be found, in the sewers on certain levels of the mine as well as the murky water in more interesting locations like the pools of water. During the year at any time of day species of fish can appear in any weather, to certain weather conditions and seasons be limited. For example, on a rainy day in the ocean during the spring the Eel can only be caught, between 4 PM and 2 AM only. Follow similar patterns legendary fish, no catch conditions with some having, during the year and other requiring careful timing.

    -Then other species in Stardew Valley are much harder to capture players getting ready to seek you the legendary fish should know, of getting a rare bite to increase the chance and having the best fishing rod and lure can help. To be caught also requires players to be a certain fishing level some of these Legendary fish also require.

    1. Glacierfish
    2. Legend
    3. Mutant Carp
    4. Angler
    5. Crimsonfish

    How to catch the legendary fish?

    At a certain location, you need to be at a certain level and fish for each legendary fish. Below, of each Legendary Fish, you can find a breakdown.

    The Angler how to catch?

    The Angler to catch, in Skills at least Fishing level 3 you need to be, to achieve this although you can use buffs. In Pelican Town of the river to need to stand on the north end, from the edge no more than 25 tiles. During any weather it can appear, during fall but only, and of 85 has a difficulty. In these conditions, it has a 20% chance to appear.

    Stardew valley legendary fish
    Stardew valley legendary fish

    The Crimson fish how to catch?

    The Crimsonfish to catch, in Skills you need to be at least Fishing level 5, although again, to achieve this you can use buffs. Of Pelican Beach you need to stand on the furthest east side, broken bridge beyond the. To access the fishing spot you must repair this with 300 wood; the east coast will count anywhere along the pier or close, from land as long as your bobber is four. In Summer, any weather during, to appear the Crimsonfish has an 18% chance, of 95% has a difficulty.

    The Glacier fish how to catch?

    To catch the Glacier, in skills at least Fishing level 6 you need to be, but again, can be used buffs. In Cinder sap forest, you may stand on there is only a single tile; of Arrowhead island the southernmost tip, from land at least four titles away your bobber must be. As long as it is winter, of the Glacier appearing you have a 50% chance. Of 100 it has a difficulty.

    The Legend How to catch?

    To catch the Legend, In Skills at least fishing level 10 you need to be, by now though as you have probably guessed, you can use buffs. In the Mountains, you need to be, in the lake your bobber needs to be at least five miles away from any land. To be rating it also needs. All these conditions with, of appearing the Legend have a 10% chance. Of 110 it has a difficulty.

    The Mutant Carp How to catch?

    For the Mutant Carp, there are no special requirements for unlocking, to the Sewers although you will need to have access. In the Sewers every time you fish, the mutant Carp you have at least a 10% chance of getting it. Of 80 it was also a difficulty, all year round can be found.


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