Take classes to improve your French conjugation
In Spain, there are many students who choose French as their first or second foreign language. To help them progress, private French lessons are becoming increasingly fashionable.
In fact, 44% of Spanish students turn to private classes to reinforce the education they receive in schools, institutes and universities, the second highest figure in Europe behind Greece (74%), and families tend to spend an average of 700 euros per student, according to a report prepared by the educational platform Euteri.com, according to which, there has been a “significant expansion of the use of private lessons” around the world.
Here’s a list of irregular verbs!: Take classes to improve your French conjugation
At Superprof , our French teachers can also quickly advance their students in French conjugation:
Review irregular verbs
Review the verb tenses (present, imperfect, future, passé composé , simple past, past participle, present and past subjunctive, conditional, imperative, etc.)
Work the concordance of the times
False friends
Enrich vocabulary
Overcome grammatical irregularities, etc.
There is another alternative for students who want to improve their language training: take classes at the Alliance Française . Madrid, Granada, Oviedo, A Coruña, Las Palmas … There are many venues spread throughout Spain.
If it is not present in your city, you will surely find many language schools and academies where you can take French classes to improve. It will be the ideal opportunity to learn from a native French teacher to memorize the most common verbs, such as the apprendre :
Present: j’apprends, tu apprends, il apprend, nous apprenons, vous apprenez, ils apprennent;
Passé compos é: j’ai appris, you as appris, il a appris, nous avons appris, vous avez appris, ils ont appris;
Imperfect: j’apprenais, tu apprenais, il apprenait, nous apprenions, vous appreniez, ils apprenaient;
Past simple: j’appris, tu appris, il apprit, nous apprîmes, vous apprîtes, ils apprirent;
Simple future: j’apprendrai, tu apprendras, il apprendra, nous apprendrons, vous apprendrez, ils apprendront;
Present subjunctive: que j’apprenne, que tu apprennes, qu’il apprenne, que nous apprenions, que vous appreniez, qu’ils apprennent.
What is the next step? Work on accentuation and French literature to be bilingual!