The most useful keyboard shortcuts in Excel
Excel is not really intuitive software. Sometimes it takes several minutes to understand each function and complicates the task a bit if you don’t know how it works from the beginning.
To help you use Excel well or better, it is important that you know some basic shortcuts that could save you time . Shortcuts are also very useful for people who may have motor difficulties or who have trouble using the mouse.
So here are the most useful keyboard shortcuts to use in Excel :
- Close the spreadsheet and Excel: ALT + F4,
- Open the Visual Basic Editor (the macro calculations editor): ALT + F11,
- Cut selection: CTRL + X,
- Copy the selection: CTRL + C,
- Paste: CTRL + V,
- Select all: CTRL + E,
- Undo: CTRL + Z (to cancel the last operation performed),
- Redo (cancel the last operation canceled with the above shortcut): CTRL + Y,
- Italic: CTRL + K,
- Underline: CTRL + S,
- Bold: CTRL + N,
- Cross out cell: CTRL + 5,
- Display the Format Cells dialog: CTRL + SHIFT + 1.
There are many other shortcuts that can be very useful for using Microsoft Office software. They can be shortcuts to insert rows, columns, to edit the spreadsheet, to control the software, etc.
It is best that you write down the shortcuts that may be most useful to you on a sheet and that you use this file at the same time as Excel. You will learn the shortcuts as you go.
You are now ready to become an Excel expert! And if you are thinking of an online course, be sure to visit the following link: online excel course . The most useful keyboard shortcuts in Excel