The principle of geometry in mathematics

The principle of geometry in mathematics

Let us now address one of the essential disciplines of mathematics: geometry and representation in space.

Geometry is studied from primary school to university, with the famous Pythagorean theorem or Thales’ theorem, but above all, special emphasis is placed during high school, when the fundamental principles of geometry in space begin to be studied. , indispensable in the formation for the Baccalaureate of Sciences or Technology.

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The principle of geometry is the following: we will consider as geometry any science that is interested in shapes and space in mathematics, as opposed to arithmetic (addition, difference, division and multiplication) or algebra (differential equations, equations of second degree, inequalities …) that address figures and numbers.

Adjacent angles, Cartesian plane, isosceles triangle or the tangent are some of the terms that you will have to memorize to get a good grade in geometry.

Classical and basic geometry is studied from the sixth grade at school. However, keep in mind that everything related to differential geometry, non-commutative geometry, or symplectic geometry will be covered later in applied mathematics courses.

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