Tips to locate a lost Android mobile

Tips to locate a lost Android mobile

The constant use of smartphones and the expansion of available functions has led people to have a large amount of essential data of their life stored inside them, so losing it or having it stolen can create a real complication in their lives. . Thus, it is never a bad idea to take the necessary precautions to face these situations and know what to do when it comes time to locate an Android mobile .

As well as having so many accounts and services configured on a Smartphone that it can be lost, the synchronization that Google performs between its operating system and the different platforms it has available can generate many facilities to find the device again. On the web there are specialized sites such as how to track a cell phone , but here are some recommendations:

How to locate an Android mobile: Tips to locate a lost Android mobile

Android Device Manager

Android Device Manager from any computer

As you all know, when you first start a phone that has an Android operating system, the user will be asked to associate it with a Google account. If you do not have one, it is as simple as creating it in minutes from the following link , and the truth is that it is something really important to get out of trouble in the future with possible losses .

Thanks to the function called ” Android Device Manager “, from any other device the user can view the geographical position of his terminal in real time. In the event that the mobile is turned off at the time you want to locate it, Google will mark the last known location when the mobile is turned on, all without the need to have GPS or satellite activated.

As indicated by, once the phone is lost, you have to access the Android Device Manager website and log in with the same account registered on the mobile. There will appear a list with all Android devices such as Smartphones and tablets that have been previously registered .

It is indicated that this process needs to have the location service activated on the equipment, something that is done by checking the corresponding box in “Terminal settings” on the “Location services” section. If the phone is using Wi-Fi it will offer great geolocation efficiency, while with 3G or 4G it will offer somewhat lower results.

Functions available in Android Device Manager

Android Device Manager

Android Device Manager includes more options than locating an Android mobile

It may be that despite having everything well configured it is not possible to recover the terminal, especially when it comes to the danger of a phone that has been stolen. Thus, there are other types of functions that Android Device Manager allows that can be very useful to maintain the privacy and security of the stored data .

On the one hand, each user can not only locate an Android mobile but also block it from a distance , more precisely with regard to the main screen of the Smartphone so that it is not easy for outsiders to navigate through the privacy of one, either in Apps logged in or to saved data such as photos, videos, and local files.

Likewise, if they are lost, it is possible to make a call button appear on the initial screen in which the person who has found the Smartphone can call a telephone number that one has previously configured. Also, an audible alarm can sound for 5 minutes at maximum volume in case the mobile is lost but within a range close to the personal location.

Finally, each user is able to remotely delete all the data stored on the phone so that it is not read by strangers , including the same installed applications, photos, videos, music, documents, and even the content stored on the cards. external memory. Of course, after this process Android Device Manager will stop working.

Third party apps

Android Lost

Android Lost is a reliable alternative to find your lost phone

If this proprietary utility from the Californian giant is not to your liking, it is possible to browse the different external applications available on the Google Play Store . For example, one of the most striking is Android Lost , a platform that works quite similarly to Android Device Manager.

Once downloaded and installed on the phone, its configuration is quite simple and intuitive, while you have to register on the official website of this application to then be able to follow the location in real time from any computer .

Entering from another device, an interactive map will be displayed that shows the location of the mobile step by step, while there will be no lack of functions to remotely block its access or sound an alarm to locate it within the same room or close range (ideal for the most clueless In the home).

Another interesting one is “ Prey Anti-theft ”, an App that allows you to establish control zones on the map to delimit movement alert zones, all through a GPS tracking system and Wi-Fi + GeoIP triangulation . Its functions include remote locking of the computer screen with a personalized password as well as an alarm that will sound for 30 seconds without the possibility of being silenced.

Finally, you have to be very careful with many websites that promise to locate an Android mobile but that are simple scams for users collecting their personal data. On no occasion is it recommended to use alternatives other than the aforementioned official Google tool or those third-party applications available in the Google Play store and that have good ratings from the community.

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