Tricks to be bilingual in English

Tricks to be bilingual in English

To finish this article, we are going to talk about what is in your power to become bilingual in English and, in the not too distant future.
Aside from the tips mentioned above how to read and watch movies or series in English, there are other methods that will greatly help you on your way to bilingualism.
We refer, especially, to studying, working or spending time abroad. And it is that an immersion and a daily practice of the language is the most effective method to make English become almost like your mother tongue.
United States, Great Britain, Australia, etc. so many and so many English-speaking destinations where you can spend several months so that you come back thinking, and even dreaming, in English.
Depending on your personal and professional situation, you can choose to go to study abroad with the well-known Erasmus grant, or similar, to work (as an au pair, waiter, deliveryman …) or to live a sabbatical year surrounded by a different language and culture.
Thanks to a stay in an English-speaking country, you will meet new people who can become new friends. And speaking of this, why not keep in touch on your return to Spain via Skype?
It is well known that everything is forgotten if it is not practiced regularly. Well, something similar happens with languages. It does not mean that you are going to completely forget everything you have learned, but you will notice that you lose fluency when expressing yourself, so if you have the opportunity, do not hesitate to have regular conversations with your new friends. It’s the perfect time to catch up and keep improving!
The last tip is especially aimed at those who have young children. Starting them in learning English from an early age, between 4 and 5 years old, is the most advisable. Children have an amazing ability to absorb everything they hear and observe. Songs, games, plays, rhymes, thematic workshops are the techniques used so that the little ones learn English, acquire the accent and have fun at the same time.
English is part of our personal and, in some cases, professional lives. It is something that we can no longer put aside, therefore, the sooner you start learning the language, the better. Tricks to be bilingual in English

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