The main revolution in SEO positioning comes from the hand of voice searches.: WHAT ARE THE TRENDS IN SEO POSITIONING FOR 2017?

We are increasingly using the voice to search on Google, and if by 2013 most users were not comfortable talking to Siri or Cortana, the habits of users are changing, perhaps we have simply got used to voice messages from Whasapp, who knows, but the truth is that more and more people use their voice instead of the keyboard to search on Google.

And SEO positioning has always been based on text, this is one of the few issues related to Google’s algorithm that had not changed, but Google has a clear premise, which is to offer the user the most exact search results for what asks the user, both in content and in form.

In this simple way, value is added to the user, their experience is improved, the well-known user experience that in responsive web design and layout must also be taken into account and therefore user satisfaction .

Because the time that the user spends browsing continues to be a trend in SEO positioning in 2017. Which affects another of the trends in SEO positioning in 2017, videos, an attractive video, not very long, on a web page or on the networks social , make users spend more time on our content.

As images continue to be, Google has proven that users are interested in web pages with attractive images , as is the case in social networks such as Facebook, for example, that it is proven that the most read posts are those that are accompanied by pictures .

In fact, it is already more than usual, especially when searching for products, that the first search results are images, and surely there are also results from Google Shopping, another of the great trends in SEO 2017 positioning.

Returning to the topic of voice searches, what do you have to do to position a web application ? The fundamental thing is to adapt the content , it is no longer worth repeating the keywords or keywords with an adequate density , you have to create the content as if we were talking, in a normal conversation that anyone would have , with that type of language.

How do users search on Google? They ask how to find a street, where are the cheapest bags in their city, where to dine in a certain area, information on services and prices … and what does the user expect to find in their searches?  You want direct answers in the shortest time possible.

According to MOZ data, the most effective searches are those of three words, in terms of the number of impressions and clicks. Between two and four keywords is the right thing to do to rank in voice searches, with three being the ideal. And it should not be ruled out that in the not too distant future there will be more suitable keywords to position in Google , since the user tends to ask very specific questions, such as: “I need a cheap second-hand car and I prefer it in color blue”.

In our last article we already talked about another of the trends in SEO positioning 2017 , searches from the mobile . WHAT ARE THE TRENDS IN SEO POSITIONING FOR 2017?

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