What is Cloud Computing | All you need to know

What is Cloud Computing | All you need to know

Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer resources a technology that uses the internet for storing and managing the data on remote services. It delivers different services including databases, networking, and software. What is Cloud Computing | All you need to know

Services are available:

  • Storage
  • networking Database
  • Processing power
  • Big data analysis
  • Cyber security
  • Data Governance
  • Infrastructure as a service ( IaaS)
  • Platform as a service( PaaS)
  • Software as a service ( SaaS)


History of Cloud Computing:

Cloud computing has been around since 2000, But the concept of computing-as-a-service much longer back in the 1960s. With the rise of PC, time-sharing services were largely overtaken which made owing to a computer more affordable, by the rise of corporate data the companies store a vast amount of data.

But this concept of renting access to computer power was rejected again and again and grid computing of the late 1990s and 2000. This was followed by cloud computing with the software as a service and hyper-scale cloud computing providers such as Amazon Web Application.

Cloud computing may be private or public. Public cloud computing may provide services to anyone. While private cloud computing may provide the services are a network that provides the services to limited people.

 Cloud computing Examples:

Examples of cloud computing include;

  • Google Docs, Microsoft office 365
  • Zoom
  • Email, Calendar, Skype, and Whatsapp
  • AWS lambda

Google Docs, Microsoft office 365:

Google Docs, Microsoft office 365 by using users have access to the internet. Users can access work on presentations and spreadsheets stored in the cloud.


Zoom is cloud-based software to record video and audio conferences and record meetings saved them in the cloud and can people can access on it anytime.

Email, calendar, Skype, and WhatsApp:

Email, Calendar, Skype, and WhatsApp provides users to access data, they can access their data to anyone at any time by using the ability of this cloud.

AWS Lambda:

These allow codes for applications as back-end services without having manager service.

Cloud’s computing characteristics:

  • Elasticity
  • Pay per use
  • Self-service provision
  • Migration flexibility
  • Broad network access

 Benefits of Cloud’s computing:

  • Cost-saving
  • Mobility
  • Disaster recovery
  • Data Security
  • cost-saving:

By using cloud computing reduced cost. As organization does not have much amount for buying and maintaining equipment. They reduced their cost, as they don’t have capital expenditure to invest in hardware facilities. They can rely on their cloud providers’ team and companies don’t need large IT teams.


Users don’t need to have to carry a USB device. Storing information in the cloud means people can access it anywhere with any device with just an internet connection. Users can easily process, store and recover resources in the cloud.

 Disaster recovery:

All the organizations were worried about data loss. With the cloud-based people can easily recover their data in the event of emergencies, such as natural disasters. Data Security: Data security is one of the most important methods. Remember, that most devices and computers have always connections to the internet. This means anyone with the right skills and enough time can gain access to your data. In fact, according to a report, 95% of business finds the security improves when they click on the cloud.

Cloud’s computing deployment models:

  • Private cloud
  • Public cloud
  • Hybrid cloud

Private cloud:

Private cloud services are delivered from business data to internal users. With a private cloud, an organization builds its infrastructure. This model offers the convenience of a cloud.

Public cloud:

In the public cloud, a third-party cloud service provider service on the internet. Public clouds service provides amazon web service, Microsoft Azure, and Google platform services.

What is Cloud Computing

 Hybrid cloud:

The goal of hybrid is to create an automated and scalable environment that takes advantage of all the public infrastructure that can provide, still, control over mission-critical data.

In this article, I have discussed cloud computing and its benefits. If I miss something in this article, let me know in the comment section. I will put it in my article.

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