Which Latin-Spanish bilingual dictionary should you choose?

Which Latin-Spanish bilingual dictionary should you choose?

Latin alphabet.
In the Latin language, certain terms correspond to abbreviations.

There are different bilingual Latin-Spanish dictionaries for all budgets:

  • The  Illustrated Latin-Spanish / Spanish-Latin Dictionary  is a reference work for learning the Latin language, which you can purchase for only  23.50  euros .
  • The Latin-Spanish Dictionary  Augustine Blánquez:  very handy when exercising and when writing a text in Latin.
  • Calepinus septem linguarum : it is aimed at the more advanced students, because it is a monolingual version. Available in digital version and on Google Books.
  • You can also find the  Dictionary of expressions and phrases la tinas  by Víctor-José Herrero Llorente for a slightly higher price.

You will also find other Latin dictionaries although these are the best known and the main ones. Likewise, you can also enrich your vocabulary in the Latin language thanks to the different resources and websites available online:

  • ILanguages proposes  flashcards or memory cards for numbers, colors, feelings, words related to the family …
  • Linguim offers numerous resources to improve your knowledge of Latin and be able to be a true Latin speaker.

Our advice : the best dictionary for you Latin students is that of  VOX , since it is the most complete with more than 30,000 entries in the Latin-Spanish part and more than 11,000 entries in the Spanish-Latin part, with examples of highlighted authors like Cicero, Pliny the Elder, Tito Livio or Seneca, among others. It will also help you improve your Latin by having a grammatical reference, pronunciation, conjugation and more. Which Latin-Spanish bilingual dictionary should you choose?

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