Are German best friends of Spanish People?

Are German best friends of Spanish People?

Thanks to its important commercial and economic relations, the Spanish-German friendship is solid! But did you know that linguistically, despite appearances,  German is also a friend of Spanish ?
German and Spanish have more similarities than you think.
First of all, like most European languages, German and Spanish come from the primitive Indo-European language. Linguists, since the 17th century, have noticed the similarities between many European languages. After many investigations,  traces of a common language that was spoken long before the appearance of writing were found. Over the centuries, German and Spanish separated to belong to two different families (Germanic and Romanesque, respectively).
However, both languages ​​are inflectional , meaning that their words change shape for grammatical reasons. When learning German with a private teacher or in a language school, you will quickly notice this similarity.
You will also notice that the tonic accent (an accent consisting of an elevation of the tone), is common in both languages ​​(also in English and many other languages).
In addition, in your German classes you will learn that there are Spanish words present in the German vocabulary , such as siesta, tango, tapas … In the same way, there are also many words of German origin in Spanish such as mustache, white, spy, pistol, accordion … In the end it will turn out that they are not two so different languages! Are German best friends of Spanish People?

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