The Triumph of Bacchus by Diego Velazquez

The Triumph of Bacchus by Diego Velazquez The Triumph of Bacchus is a Baroque painting by Diego Velázquez dating from 1628-1629, which is also known as “Los borrachos.” The reason is simple: the canvas represents seven drunken men gathered around the Roman god Bacchus , whose attributes are wine, drunkenness and celebration. Bacchus often represents in painting the meaning of the temporary liberation that…

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The Muse dorsal and its impressionist collection

The Muse dorsal and its impressionist collection Impressionist paintings take us back to the romantic life of the 19th century and immerse us in a unique atmosphere. There are many artistic currents represented among the works of the Musée d’Orsay in Paris. However, the Impressionists undoubtedly take the cake in the paintings that are preserved. Among the Impressionist painters, the…

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The fortune teller by George de La Tour

The fortune teller by George de La Tour It was in the 1630s that the French painter George de La Tour made The Divine , an oil painting that takes up the theme of Caravaggio’s work :  The Fortune Telling . It represents several characters in a 17th century scene: a gypsy woman predicting the future of a young man and three young…

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The works preserved in the Louvre Museum

The works preserved in the Louvre Museum The Louvre Museum is a veritable temple of the most famous French paintings such as Delacroix’s. Probably, the artistic collection of the Louvre Museum is one of the most complete in the world: Ingres, Degas, Géricault, Kandinsky, Delacroix or Veronese are present in this incredible art museum and in its…

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Techniques for making cartoons

Techniques for making cartoons To stand out in the art of caricature, it helps to know the basics of portrait painting . Most cartoonists begin to work with pencil or charcoal, then, to color the drawing, move on to colored pencils, crayons, acrylic paint, or pastels. To practice caricature, you can use pictures of famous or well-known people. You can also consider…

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Make an artistic caricature

Make an artistic caricature “Nothing looks more like something than his cartoon.” – Gaston Bouthoul If there is one art of which drawing classes can never make you fully master, it is that of caricature . Between social criticism and exaggerated body parts, cartoons always make us react, be it to laugh, to move us or to get angry. Find…

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