neighborhoods of Porto

Who are neighborhoods of Porto Porto is full of points of interest, so it’s worth a visit! Like many cities,  Porto is divided into neighborhoods, into different spaces, marked by a particular atmosphere, important monuments, or a more or less significant hotel wealth. When visiting this beautiful, romantic and warm city, sometimes we can get a little lost in front…

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How to make the purchase in Portugal

How to make the purchase in Portugal A new world. If there is something radically different in each country, it is the supermarkets. Have you already lived abroad? You will then have had to adapt your consumption habits. Different products, different prices, different surfaces … going to the supermarket is quite an excursion the first few times you go….

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Top 10 reasons to settle in Portugal

Top 10 reasons to settle in Portugal From southern Portugal to Tavira or Alentejo, moving to Portugal is always a good idea! The cost of living, the tax exemption, the advantageous wealth management… Moving to Portugal has never been so popular, and for good reason. Except for a health system that can be improved, there are many…

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Procedures to go to live in Portugal

Procedures to go to live in Portugal Between the tax exemption, the advantageous tax system, and the accessible real estate, Portugal seems to be ideal to make it your country of residence. Moving to Portugal includes many more administrative procedures than one might think. Whether it is the purchase of real estate, social security, or an insurance contract, there…

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Budget to settle in Portugal

Budget to settle in Portugal Renting a house in Portugal, retiring abroad… There are many reasons to move to the country of pasteis de nata, but you have to prepare! Whether in the Algarve, Madeira or Lisbon, going to live in Portugal obviously has a cost, starting with the move, which you will have to prepare according…

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