Egypt to the World

    Egypt to the World

    Traveling around the world is one of the most fascinating hobbies. Visiting new countries, learning new cultures, and languages, and meeting new people, what can be better? Of course, the COVID pandemic has destroyed many plans about traveling; though Egypt was open almost all the time. Moreover, today’s tecshnologies can allow you to visit any museum online just by staying at home and not only. You can gamble at home at the online casino. But if I were you I would prefer to visit them in real life.

    Some tourists are deliberately looking for non-banal destinations in order to surprise subscribers with the exotic. But often, new impressions can be given by countries that are completely mastered by tour operators, for example, Egypt. The basis for the route can be any list of 10 places to see in Egypt.

    Pyramids of Giza

    The most famous place in Egypt and perhaps the most hyped attraction in the world. But let’s leave snobbery and look at the pyramids through the eyes of a curious tourist. These massive structures were built between 2550 and 2490 BC. The insides of the pyramids are still being explored by archaeologists, and disputes do not subside in the scientific community. Is there anything valuable and of interest left inside?

    Some Egyptologists believe that the tombs of the pharaohs were plundered almost immediately after burial. That is, within a year after the death of the ruler, everything of value was taken out of the grave chamber. Moreover, even the internal security systems did not stop the treasure seekers.

    Grand Egyptian Museum

    When the institution opens in November 2022, it will be the world’s largest collection of ancient Egyptian treasures. It will feature ancient Egyptian treasures, including a collection of items from Tutankhamun’s tomb, discovered in 1922 by Englishman Howard Carter.

    All the newspapers of that time wrote about the mysterious premature death of those who opened the tomb of Tutankhamun. By 1935, there were already more than twenty “victims” of the pharaoh. The circumstances of the death of many of them caused superstitious horror. Someone died from the bite of a poisonous insect, and the scar on the cheek resembled a wound on the face of the mummy itself. Someone died as a result of a sudden illness, and someone from an accident.

    Valley of the Kings in Luxor

    Another must-see location for those who get acquainted with the history of Egypt. Here are the tombs of the ancient rulers of the country.

    The current Luxor was part of the ancient city of Thebes and the burial place of almost all the kings of the 18th, 19th, and 20th dynasties from Thutmose I to Ramses X.

    And they ruled, by the way, one and a half thousand years before the legendary Cleopatra – the beloved of Mark Antony was a representative of the Hellenistic Ptolemaic dynasty, which no longer had anything to do with the builders of the pyramids.

    Temples in Abu Simbel

    These are two massive rock-cut temples in the village of Abu Simbel. The place is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The twin temples were originally carved out of the mountainside in the 13th century BC.

    With the advent of the Christian era, the temples fell into disrepair, they were covered with sand. Only in 1813 did the Swiss traveler Johann Ludwig Burkhart accidentally stumble upon them. By the beginning of the 20th century, the buildings were completely cleaned, and the scientific world recognized the value of the magnificent find.

    Four 20-meter stone pharaohs sit at the entrance to the main temple with their hands on their knees. Their eyes are slightly lowered – either they look at the mighty river, or at mere mortals, negligibly small compared to these colossi.

    There are many other places to visit in Egypt. Enjoy your traveling.

    All you need to know to konw about Egypt to the world, All you need to know to konw about Egypt to the world, see details here in this article

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