Fan creates the ultimate WWE playlist

The superstars of the WWE world have introduced us to some of the most catchy and recognizable songs of all time.
If you’re a fan of the sport, there is no doubt that even the introduction of some of the songs will be enough to send you through a rollercoaster of nostalgia.
But what if we told you that there was a way that you can get all your favorite WWE songs in one ultimate playlist?
Well, there is now.
A superman of the sport has compiled all the best songs from the sport in one place on Spottily for hours and hours of pure memories.
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It features songs from entrance themes, pay-per-views, promos, gaming titles and much more.
The hero, who claims the task literally took him the whole day to make, is Dean Puckering. He has certainly received the backing of other wrestling fans too. On spottily, he gained a substantial following of 3,260 followers after making the extensive playlist that features over 500 songs.
The track includes some of the most recognizable songs from the sport, including; John Cana’s ‘The Time Is Now’, Triple H’s ‘The Game’, Christian’s ‘Just Close Your Eyes’ and Randy Orton’s ‘Voices’ among many, many others.
Even if you aren’t the biggest WWE fan, you can enjoy great music from the likes of Johnny Cash, Nickel back, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Prince, Snoop Dog, Billie Elisha and there is a fair share of ACDC in there.
Fan creates the ultimate WWE playlist Becky Lynch likes AJ Styles’ theme music
The Superstar was asked if she could have another superstar’s theme music, which one she would choose. Becky ‘The Man’ Lynch stated in the interview that she really liked AJ Styles’ theme music.
The song, which features the Southern Rap duo CFO$, was made specifically for Styles on his entry into the WWE. CFO$ are signed to the WWE Music Group record label and are tasked with coming up with theme songs for Superstars to walk out to.
The track, aptly named ‘Phenomenal’ is a rap song, featuring some appropriate lyrics. Lynch also knew of a few lyrics in the song.
Fan creates the ultimate WWE playlist Description
Unofficial WWE Superstars Theme Songs is a skill for all fans of WWE. This skill was created so fans can relive the WWE moments in their living rooms.
Experience all your favorite superstars’ entry songs right there in your living rooms!
According to request more superstars like Finn Baler have been added to the list! 10 Songs WWE Should Use
Music is an important detail that can make or break a WWE Superstar. The right song can capture the feeling of a performer, storyline or event. I still get Goosebumps whenever I hear “My Way” by Limp Basket, as it was the perfect soundtrack to The Rock vs. Stone Cold at WrestleMania X-7. More recently, Samoa Joe’s theme song gets me riled up for whatever destruction he’s about to cause.
Here are 10 songs that WWE should use for their current Superstars and events.
Fan creates the ultimate WWE playlist “Walk Away from the Sun” by Seethe
Seethe has performed the theme songs for various WWE pay-per-views in the past, so this would be a natural fit for WrestleMania 36. As WrestleMania transitions from day to night, legends are cemented and young careers are launched. With the right editing, the final highlight video that closes the show would be one of the greatest ever.
“Running” by on lap
Pick any NXT Takeover event that tickles your fancy – this jam fits the rock anthem style that has been consistent with the brand.
“Scars” by Ghosts of August
For reasons previously listed, this would fit the NXT brand. But it could have also been used to hype up any Brock Lennar vs. Roman Reigns match. The promo video could have documented each encounter, highlighting the scars that have been left on each warrior.
“Sweet Dreams” by Marilyn Manson
There are a few options for how this eerie song could be used. Perhaps the entrance theme for Leister Black, The Fiend or any other brooding, heavily tattooed superstar. If the Tomas Camp-Johnny Gurgaon rivalry reaches the main roster, this would be a great soundtrack.
“Let’s Get Lost” by G-Easy, Devon Baldwin
This song captures the feeling of WrestleMania. As a fan, you want to get lost in the pageantry, the excitement, the spectacle. With Mania coming to Raymond James Stadium, WWE could throw this track over the Tampa landscape. Whether it’s a world title match or the Undertaker’s finale, you get lost in the drama for just a few hours, surrounded by 80,000 fellow fans.
“You Want It” by the Fallen State
Money in the Bank is a night that offers the most to a WWE Superstar. It’s even more advantageous than winning the Royal Rumble because you have the opportunity to challenge for the world title at your choosing. It’s high risk, high reward and everybody in WWE wants it.