Featured Photos and Collages for Facebook: Tutorial
Great featured photos and collages for Facebook using basic level of photoshop
If you have any questions or get stuck in any step, below are the BUTTONS for you to follow me on my social networks and I can help you personally in the process. Let’s get into trouble.
Five vertical images: Featured Photos and Collages for Facebook: Tutorial
It works on personal profile, groups and featured photos of your profile.
Five horizontal images: Featured Photos and Collages for Facebook: Tutorial
It works in personal profile, fanpage, groups and highlights of your profile.
Create a new document with the size 588 x 488 px
Photoshop: Choosing the size
Divide your canvas as in the illustration below. To set dividing rules, place the cursor in a margin, click and without releasing drag towards the center of the canvas.
Divide your canvas into 5
Place the photo you want on the artboard so you can cut it out.
Prepared canvas
Now we will proceed to cut it out with the cropping tool. We are going to start with the upper left corner, we cut and save but be careful not to lose the order.
Crop tool
Cutting out the canvas part one
We return to our workspace and undo all the changes (ctrl + z) until we are back with the complete image and do the same with the remaining parts.
In the end we must have 5 separate files. Remember to be orderly by arranging everything with a name.
Files trimmed and organized separately
When we have everything ready in .jpg we go to our wall and post trying to preserve order.
Posting on Facebook
You can use these photos as highlights
Four pictures: Featured Photos and Collages for Facebook: Tutorial
It works in personal profile, fanpage, groups and highlights of your profile.
Make a new 1000 x 1000 px Photoshop document.
Remember to always adjust the image so that it covers the entire space but without much loss or cutting.
Let the image fill the entire canvas without warping
Divide it into 4 parts and save each one separately as in the previous example.
Post on Facebook, this measure applies to fanpage and personal profile.
Three horizontal images
It works on personal profile, fanpage, groups and highlights of your profile and your page.
Create a new 700 x 700 px document.
Divide into four as in the previous step but this time we will take the two segments above as one.
Mark in three parts the canvas with the rulers
Place the photo you want to create as a collage but remember to size it so that it covers the entire space.
Take care to preserve the proportion and remember to choose images with enough space around, that will allow you to accommodate them better.
Crop the photo into 3
Cut and make a file for each part, there would be 3 files, the first one 350 px high by 700 px wide and the other two would be 350 px by 350 px
Sorted files
Post on your personal profile and Face page because you can also use them as a featured photo in both cases.
At the moment they are all the formats that I have tried and they work 100%. This article is updated with more measurements so I suggest you check back later for more great collages.
Featured-fanpage collages for Facebook
I plan to include Instagram and Twitter but don’t forget to visit our other articles to learn more about social media.
So far my entry, please do not forget to follow me on my social networks, I am very excited to be able to talk with you and help you as much as I can